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It seemed like years until Gothi arrived even though Astrid knew it was only a couple of days. She arrived on her purple Gronckle and landed at the clubhouse where all the Riders, apart from Hiccup, were. 

"Gothi!" Fishlegs yelled and went to greet her. Astrid mutely followed with everyone else. "Thank you for coming."

Gothi nodded and Fishlegs showed her to Hiccup's hut. The last time Astrid had checked on Hiccup was a few hours ago, he was worse than before. The infections were making his skin swell and making it hard for him to breathe because his neck and throat were starting to swell. He hadn't woken up since they first found out he was ill. 

Astrid stayed with Snotlout and the twins in the clubhouse. Golthi wanted them to stay and for only Fishlegs to come with her so he could talk with her. He was the only one there who understood Gothi's strange writing in the sand. Nobody spoke as they waited for Fishlegs to return with Gothi. 

"What in Thor's name is taking so long?" Snotlout asked gruffly. 

Tuff, who was playing with Chicken on the ground snorted. "Patients, my dear Snotlout," He said and Chicken squawks. "Medical stuff takes time."

"Indeed it does," Ruff agreed. She was leaning against Barf who was also on the ground sleeping with Belch.

Astrid then saw, out of the corner of her eye, Fishlegs left Hiccup's hut without Gothi. He came down to where the riders all waited for news. His face was sweating, causing his blond hair to stick to his round face. 

"Well?" Astrid asked and Fishlegs hesitated.

"Gothi...um...said..." Fishlegs was muttering quietly to himself. "Ummmm...."

Astrid raised an eyebrow as everyone was getting impatient. Mostly Snotlout.

"WHAT!" He yelled at Fishlegs who jumped. 

"Ah!" Fishlegs gasped and went on. "He's not doing so well..." He muttered. 

Astrid's heart nearly skipped a beat. "What do you mean he's not doing so well?" 

"Gothi said that there is something in his system," Fishlegs said louder. "A kind of venom or poison." Everyone gasped. "He's still asleep, but Gothi said the wounds are getting worse and will continue to get worse."

"Gothi probably has some antidote for him though, right?" Snotlout asked with doubt in his voice.

"Yeah, Gothi can cure anything," Tuff said confidently, his sister nodded.

Fishlegs looked down. "The problem is, Gothi doesn't know what poison it is, she can't do anything to help..." His voice trialed off and Astrid felt like her heart did stop.

There was nothing Gothi could do for him? What would happen then? Astrid didn't know what she would do without Hiccup. Or what any of them would do without him. Hiccup was the reason that they had their dragons and that they were all friends. He was the reason that Viking and dragons could stop hurting each other. Nothing would be the same without him. 

"I'm going to go see him," Astrid said. No one objected as she left the clubhouse and jogged to his hut. As soon as she made it, Gothi exited. Closing the door behind him. "Is he awake?" Astrid asked. 

Gothi mutely nodded and walked over to the clubhouse where everyone was. Astrid rushed in and ran up the stairs to see Hiccup on his bed, stroking Toothless. He didn't look at Astrid as she waited at the top of the stairs. But he knew she was there.

"Hey, Astrid," He said and continued to stroke the purring Toothless. "Nothing too good about what's happening to me I'm guessing..." He sighed as Astrid came over to him. Hiccup's hand, neck, and chest were covered in bandages. They were slightly red from the blood. 

Astrid sat on the bed where he was laying down. "You'll be alright," She said and ran her figures through his auburn hair. Toothless had gone to his stone slab in the corner of the room and laid down, cooning worriedly. "We just need to figure out what poison is in you." Astrid assumed that the poison was from the dragon. "After we find what dragon it was, then we can get an antidote."

Hiccup sighed again. "That won't be easy." Hiccup muttered. "We've never seen that dragon befo-" He was cut off by himself when he started coughing. 

"It's okay, Hiccup, you don't need to talk," Astrid soothed and Hiccup started to regain control of himself. "You need to rest," Astrid decided and Hiccup sighed. She knew he hated bed rest, but with the poison still in his body. 

"Ast-id..." Hiccup tried to protest but his eyelids were slowly starting to close. Finally, he had fallen asleep and Astrid kissed him on the head before leaving his hut to go to the others. 

"How is he?" Snotlout was the first to ask. It was weird seeing Snotlout so worried.

"Resting," She said and everyone turned to see her. "Where's Gothi?" Astrid asked.

Fishlegs was the one to respond. "Went back to Berk to get the Chief and some notes to find out which poison would be doing this to him." 

"We can't wait for her to come back," Astrid muttered.

"What do you mean?" Ruffnut asked.

"The poison is working fast," Astrid explained quietly. "He needs help now. What we need to do is find the dragon that did this to him and find a cure." 

There were murmurs in agreement from the riders.

"I'll stay behind with him," Fishlegs decided for himself. "Then I could also research some possible dragons in the Book of Dragons."

"No you need to come with us!" Astrid argued. "Once we find the dragon we need you to be able to classify it!" 

"Then who will stay with Hiccup?" He asked.

There was a long pause until Snotlout spoke. "I will. I'm his cousin anyway, it's my job to protect my family. I regret not being able to do anything for Hiccup when we were kids, I was always so rude to him. This is my chance to redeem myself and be the friend and cousin that he needs right now." 

"Wow Snotlout," Ruff said as Tuff wiped tears from his eyes. "That was the most sincere I've ever heard you be."

Snotlout turned a small bit of pink on his cheeks from embarrassment. "Shut up, Ruff."

"Then it's decided," Astrid said and all attention was turned to her again. "Snotlout will stay and we will go find the dragon. Snotlout, send a Terror if anything happens." 

Snotlout nodded. Astrid mounted Stormfly and Fishlegs and the twins got on Meatlug, Barf, and Belch. 

"We'll see you soon," Fishlegs said to Snotlout and he nodded again.

And with that, they all took off into the air, leaving the edge, Hiccup, and Snotlout to find a cure for the poison that may soon end their leaders life. 

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