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Hiccup tossed and turned in his bed. He tugged at the bandage around his neck with his good hand. As soon as he had gotten back, Fishlegs had bandaged up Hiccup's hand, neck, and chest. All of his wounds were burning and felt irritated against the bandages. Toothless noticed Hiccup was uneasy and went over to his rider, cooning worriedly. 

"I'm fine, Toothless," Hiccup sighed and stroked his dragons nose with the bandaged hand. As soon as his hand touched Toothless, Hiccup pulled back and hissed in pain. There was an unpleasant pain that started stinging Hiccup's hand. "Toothless?" Hiccup asked and gestured to the fire on the other side of his bed.  

Toothless shot the wood and a blaze instantly lit up the room. Hiccup got out of bed and went to the fire. He needed to see if his hand was getting infected. He carefully unwrapped the bandage. It was throbbing as Toothless came over to look. 

As soon as the bandage was off, Hiccup's eyes grew wide at the sight of the wound. It was turning a deep red around the edges. The scratch itself was looking black from the dried blood. Yep. Definitely infected. 

"It's fine," Hiccup told Toothless. He walked over to get water to wash off his wound. But as soon as he grabbed his water, he felt extremely light headed. Toothless saw his rider and went over to help him stand steady. "Thanks," Hiccup muttered. He didn't know what was happening. He was still lighted headed as he sat down on his bed and poured the water on his hand. But as soon as the water made contact with his skin, the wound seemed to have exploded, and Hiccup's light head became heavy with lots of pressure. He pulled the water away from his hand and threw the water on the ground, hissing through his teeth.

Toothless cooned to his rider. 

Hiccup felt his pulse in his neck wound. It started hurting just as much as his hand. The scratches on his chest were throbbing as well. Hiccup got his with a huge wave of pain in his wounds and started breathing heavily, almost falling over. 

"Too-thless?" Hiccup asked and started coughing. Toothless saw his rider was getting strangely pale. Hiccup quickly stood up when another wave of pain hit him and Hiccup fell unconscious. Toothless roared as soon as his rider hit the floor and ran out of the hut. Jumping platform to platform to get to Astrid. 


Astrid woke when there was a bang on her hut. She shot up out of her bed and grabbed her axe that was laying near her bed. She was prepared for anything. Dragon hunters, Viggo, Ryker, a rouge dragon, the twins. But when she looked from her bed to the doorway, Toothless was running to Astrid in a hurry. His green eyes had black slits for his pupils. But Astrid saw that his eyes were fearful. He let out a roar of panic.

"What's wrong, Toothless?" Astrid asked and looked at his empty saddle. "It's Hiccup, isn't it," She said quietly. Toothless roared again and Astrid ran over to him, getting on his back. Stormfly was in the stables with the other dragons. Astrid assumed that Hiccup let Toothless sleep in his room because Toothless was more wild than the other dragons so he didn't like getting locked up. He was also Hiccup's best friend, so it did make sense. 

As soon as Astrid was on Toothless, the panicked dragon flew at rapid speeds all the way to Hiccup's hut. Astrid had to try her best not to fall off. Toothless landed roughly outside of Hiccup's hut and they ran in.

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked and ran up his stairs. She saw the fire was lit and Hiccup wasn't in bed. "Hiccup?" She tried again. "Where are you?"

"Now don't step on me," Hiccup practically whispered. 

Astrid jumped and saw Hiccup on the ground. If he hadn't talked, Astrid would have stepped on him. She saw through the fire light that Hiccup was pale and his green eyes were barely open.

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