Fear and Eggnxiety

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"If I see another white suit it'll be too soon. Do you think it would be possible to ban them from Gotham?" Red Robin struck an agent with his staff and maneuvered around the body without losing stride.

Robin expertly took out the cameras and ran at the two men guarding the door to the lab. "Tt. It seems we finally agree on something. I'll make sure that all of the suits in the house are burnt."

"If we could get the others involved, we could run a campaign with different suits. If done correctly then white would become a fashion faux pas for the next decade."

"We could all show up at the next gala to speed up the process. We would just have to be good for once."

"Would the others be able to do that?"

"You have the working comm. Ask."

Is all of that really necessary?!

Considering there was a high chance of Danny getting PTSD from seeing anyone in a white suit? Yes. Yes, it was. However, Damian couldn't say that out loud and chose to ignore the ghost for the time being. He better had his senses retracted. The hallway was cleared quickly and efficiently. Robin knelt by the doors and checked over the lock. Ectoplasm was being fueled to it by an external source. He could see the lines through the walls thanks to the mask. RR fiddled with the keypad and let out a frustrated sigh. "This tech is just like their firewalls. It's like it's alive. I don't have the time to hack into it like I did their database."

Robin clicked his tongue. Then the only way to get in was to remove the source of power. The young vigilante stood up and followed the line of ectoplasm down the hall. It kept going and then it sharply dived down to the floor below. "Hmm... looks like I'll have to find a way down."

Actually, that isn't necessary. For one, if you turned off the generator to the whole building then a red alert would probably go out.

"I'm assuming you tried before?"


"Then what are you suggesting we do?"

"Uhh... gremlin? What are you doing...?" Tim asked but was promptly waved off as Robin continued to stare intently at the blank wall.

Just cut that line of power in the wall. They won't notice anything's wrong for a while if you are careful.

Well, that was easy. "Red Robin, do you have a laser cutter with you?" The youngest asked, turning to his adopted brother who had given up trying to hack into the door.

"Um... yes?" The older boy started digging through his utility belt when Robin held his hand out and made a 'gimme' motion. "Okay, Robin. You are being weird. Why do you need this?" Once found, he handed the tool to his younger brother.

Starting it up immediately, Robin began cutting a small square into the wall. "I can feel a vibration coming from this spot... If it's what I think it is..." Damian lied with ease as he popped the section of wall out to get a look at the hollow inside. A long pipe that glowed a radioactive green lit up the other side like a beacon.

All you need to do is cut that pipe. Just be careful not to get it on you. You may be slightly liminal but that doesn't mean it's good if you come into direct contact. If you want, I could freeze it once you have severed the connection and I could absorb the ectoplasm that's left behind still powering the lock.

"That is unnecessary. If this is pure ectoplasm it may be too much for you right now." Robin muttered under his breath while he reached into the hole with the cutter.

Red Robin arched an eyebrow at his little brother. "What was that? I didn't hear you."

"Nothing! Don't worry about it. This is just being annoying..." Robin growled while messing with the pipe.

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