Pr-Egg-sents galore

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There was a pause as everyone stared at Damian expectantly. Each one had a look of pure mischief but the boy just kept his eyebrow raised. Even Danny had gone completely silent. No emotions. Nothing. Possibly in shock. They were waiting for something. However, they were going to be disappointed. Instead, Damian leaned back a bit and crossed his arms, then asked with complete seriousness, "What's a baby shower?"

The pause continued on as a dawning realization spread across all of his siblings' faces. Damian continued to look at them unimpressed before sighing and taking another look around the room. It was overly cutesy, obviously meant for very small children, which he was not. He was about to say something else when Danny finally broke his silence to just laugh so hard it felt like the ground was shaking underneath Damian's shoes. The ghost boy's amusement was unrestrained as it completely enveloped the small Wayne through their shared connection. Somehow he managed to keep his face neutral awaiting one of his siblings to answer his question. Easily ignoring the mixture of laughter and babbling coming from Danny.

How... How can you not know what a baby shower is?!

"What... how? How do you not know what a baby shower is?" Duke asked clearly dumbfounded at this information, as well, because all of them could tell that Damian was being completely honest when he asked. The devilish smile on Dick's face was replaced by something a bit more sheepish. Even Barbara rolled back so that Dick was alone.

"I grew up an only child trained by assassins and have only just begun my acclimation to the normal mundane world about two years ago. Since that time, none of the people we are close with have gotten pregnant or had a young child. So, no. I do not know what a baby shower is and I don't think it would be safe for an infant to be 'showered' upon someone else." Damian made sure to put double emphasis on the word showered and then gestured to the many gifts laying on display on the table. "If there are infants in those boxes, then please help me get them out. From here, I don't see any air holes and if Father sees them then there is a high chance that I will be getting several younger siblings at once. I would like to avoid that outcome if possible."

Steph snorted hard as she clutched her sides. "Wait... no... Damian that's not-"

"There are no babies in the gifts!" Duke frantically debunked that theory before it could gain any traction.

"That... actually makes a lot of sense..." Tim muttered with wide eyes looking at his younger brother with newfound eyes. "I can't believe we didn't think of that..."

'No children were harmed in the making of this party.' Cass signed with the biggest smirk Damian had ever seen on her face.

Danny couldn't even speak at this point. The laughter completely took over. How could a ghost core be out of breath? There were no lungs. How did that make sense?

All of the others were now looking at Dick and taking a step back, leaving the eldest to explain. Dick cleared his throat and ignored the heckling looks that the others were giving him at the slight blush that appeared on his cheeks. "It's a party held by family and friends for a soon-to-be parent whether the child is adopted or birthed doesn't matter. It's a celebration for the newest addition to a family and the gifts given to the parents are often things that are needed to take care of or help raise the child." Dick clapped his hands together with renewed vigor and pointed at Damian's chest. "So bring out the nephew you are hiding and let's have some fun!"

Danny's laughter halted immediately as Dick's words sunk in before the laughter came back louder than before. Wait? This is for me?! This baby shower is for me?!

Damian wanted the floor to swallow him whole. Just what the hell were they all thinking? He knew that they would mess with him at times but never in his wildest dreams would Damian have thought that this was what they would come up with. "This is... this is for the egg?" He swept a hand across the entire room of cutesy things. "All of this?!"

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