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16. The Temptation

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Chloe is still mad when she wakes up in the morning. She would have hidden behind her phone screen when she doesn't want to talk to me — a behavior she has learned so fast in the past six months — if we didn't have the no-phone role during meals. With a gloomy look on her face, she stares at her toasted bread religiously and only opens her mouth when she takes a bite of her breakfast.

If Ashton notices the dull atmosphere in the kitchen, he doesn't show it. His brain focuses on reviews and plans about our new living arrangement and hasn't stopped talking about it. Apparently, the year-end always has this effect on him, work-related or not.

"I'm thinking of changing the agent for the house cleaning. I don't like how they handle my home office. It's the second time they touch my desk even though I told them not to," he says, sipping his coffee.

"Maybe a little warning will do wonders?"

"I complained once, yet it happened again. They claimed they're professional, but this doesn't sound professional to me. Frans suggested his agent, and we should give it a try."

Classic Ashton. This man has little to no patience for people's work performance, and it puts him on the top list of unlikable bosses at Remington-Knight. On the other hand, I don't have his critical point of view. Let's just say that I'm easy to please as long as people aren't blatantly trying to cross me.

"Sure," I say, glancing at Chloe who is still burying her face in her plate.

"You want to call them yourself?" he offers. "So you can also see if they're for us."

"I can do that."

Ashton must notice that my mind is not on the domestic cleaning problem because I keep glancing at my daughter. He shifts his gaze to Chloe. "So, Chloe," he says. "Any requests for your room?"

She shakes her head. "No. My room is fine."

I clap my hand, pretending to be jolly and enthusiastic, and look at her. "So, are we ready for Christmas shopping today? We're so late in looking for gifts."

"Everything is one click away on the internet. Why torture yourself by squeezing into a crowded shopping center?" Ashton says. "It's such a waste of time."

I scowl. "That's the idea. Hunting down Christmas gifts in the shopping centers is the idea. It's a ritual!" In all honesty, with the workload I have lately, I've started to see his point, but at this point, I will use anything to be alone with Chloe.

It's when our home line rings. I glance at the time which shows 9.02 AM, wondering who is calling us this early. Is it Cassandra notifying us that she's not coming again today? I jump off my breakfast stool to pick up the phone call.

"Girl, I've been calling you on your cell phone," Sophie's voice echoes from the other side of the line.

"Hi, Soph. I don't have my phone with me now. What's up?" I lean on the kitchen wall while watching the two.

"We're on our way! Let's go shopping together."

"Huh? You're coming? On what occasion?" I ask, feeling Chloe's curious eyes on me.

"I need to exchange cars. It's just not handy to drive around with this big-ass car in the city. Dad has the Mazda ready for me." I hear a shuffling sound and Diana's voice murmuring something.

"That's great," I say.

"Aunt Char, Chloe is free today, right? I want to take her to the movies, while you guys are shopping!" Diana says in her high-pitched voice as if I can't hear her if she doesn't shout.

I pull away the phone receiver a bit, wincing. "Yeah, Chloe is free today." I look at my daughter. "Are you up for a movie with Diana?"

Chloe smiles slightly and nods. "Yes."

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