Comfort zone

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"Heyyy," The girl I now know as Jasmine says as she jumps onto Juliet's bed, leaving me awkwardly standing in the doorway

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"Heyyy," The girl I now know as Jasmine says as she jumps onto Juliet's bed, leaving me awkwardly standing in the doorway.

It took me a solid ten minutes to convince Jasmine that I actually knew Juliet after I asked if she could call her for me because she hasn't been answering mine.

I was surprised when she told me that Juliet hasn't been answering her calls either which obviously concerned me considering the state she was in when I left her. I insisted on coming with Jasmine to check on her, something that even I didn't expect myself to do.

She agreed as long as I drove her the half an hour drive to flat to pick up a few things which ended in me chauffeuring her around as she ran multiple errands.

Juliet sits on her bed, her knees pulled to her chest as she talks with Jasmine. Her face is almost hidden by the hoodie she's wearing but I can still see the prominent dark circles around her eyes.

"Hey," She sheepish smiles at me, avoiding eye contact. "Hey," I repeat, sending her the same tight lipped smile.

"You can sit down you know you don't have to just stand there," She teases. I roll my eyes before sitting on the edge of her bed, trying not to apply all my weight because I feel like her dainty bed frame may literally collapse under me.

"You have to come out tonight," Jasmine begs, grabbing both of her hands. "Yeah come on it's halloween," I add, not wanting her to spend another day locked up in this room.

Her eyes immediately widen, "It's halloween already?" She frowns, patting around her bed in search of something.

"Yes! You'd know that if you ever went outside or answered my texts," She scolds. "Sorry I haven't been on my phone in a while," She says quietly, pulling her phone out from a crevice behind her bed.

"I'll forgive you on one condition, you have to come to this halloween party tonight," Jasmine says excitedly.

"Jasmine you know I don't-" Juliet starts but is instantly cut off. "Yes yes you don't like parties I know but it will be good for you to get out plus you can stick with us, right Carter?" She asks, turning to face me.

"Right," I find myself replying although I had no plans on going out tonight. "See! Come on Jules pleaseeee," She drags out.

"Fine," She sighs after thinking about it for a moment. "Oh my god we need to get you a costume," Jasmine squeals, hopping off the bed.

"What are you going as?" She asks me. "Erm I don't have one," I reply, only having heard of this party two minutes ago.

"Where are we going to find two costumes at nine pm on halloween night?" Juliet asks skeptically. "Well I guess I'm going to just have to work with what we have here," Jasmine claps her hands together before storming into the closet, leaving me and Juliet alone.

"So how are you Kingston?" I ask her once Jasmine is safely out of ear range. "I'm fine," She shrugs, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Seriously I'm fine," She repeats, rolling her eyes at my scepticism. "Listen you caught me in a moment of weakness but I'm over it now," She says seriously, now looking me in the eyes.

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