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I lay motionless on my bed, the satin sheets almost swallowing me whole as I stare up at my plain white ceiling

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I lay motionless on my bed, the satin sheets almost swallowing me whole as I stare up at my plain white ceiling. The cold air of the brisk October morning comes wafting through my window, causing my curtains to blow erratically in the wind as goosebump arise on my skin.

I'm cold, freezing even but I remain completely unmoving, being too busy thinking about everything and nothing at all.

"Jules!" A voice echos through my room, causing me to finally snap out of my trace like state. I prop myself up on my elbows, the strap of my white tank top sliding down slightly as I look over at my door.

"Did you not hear me calling you? I've been standing here for like a full minute," Jas rolls her eyes, trudging into my room and pulling off her beanie. 

"Come on," She says, sitting on my bed next to me and fixing my strap. I groan and roll over towards my wall, just wanting to sleep and not have to deal with Jas's lecturing.

"Nope, nope, nope," She repeats, grabbing me by the shoulders and turning me to face her. "You've already missed six days in a row, if you miss anymore classes they'll kick you out," She begins her lecture.

"Let me sleeppp," I groan, shoving my face into my hands. Over the past six days I've been doing nothing but sleeping but no matter how many hours I get it still feels like I haven't slept a wink. 

"I will not let you rot in this bed and leave me alone in that hellhole without my favourite person to chat shit with, now get up," She demands, standing up and pulling me with her.

"I'll pick out a cute outfit while you shower," She says excitedly, eyeing my walk in closet. I roll my eyes fondly at her, knowing she only wants to pick out my outfit so she can choose which clothes she's going to 'borrow' from me and never give back.

Not wanting to deal with Jas's moaning and knowing that she's probably right about the whole getting kicked out thing, I head to my ensuite bathroom.

I peal off the pyjamas that I've been wearing for three days in a row, dropping them into my empty laundry basket before climbing into the shower.

I turn it onto the highest possible setting and stand utterly still as the scolding water pours down my skin, leaving it red and raw.

When I can no longer take the searing heat I climb out, wrapping a towel around me and standing in front of my mirror as I stare into my reflection. 

I used to be obsessed with my appearance, constantly nit picking every aspect of it. I wouldn't leave the house until my face was caked in makeup, my hair perfectly curled and my outfit was flawless but now I don't care.

I can barely muster up enough effort to leave the house let alone do all that. 

I quickly tuck my hair into a messy bun before moisturising my dry face and heading back into my bedroom where as I expected Jas is tearing apart my closet.

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