Chapter 24

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The day went by so quickly, it was fifth period and I was excited to go over to Noah's house after school.

I walked in and sat down at my seat in the back of the room. I crossed my legs as I lean back in my seat and started picking at the rips in my jeans.

I heard footsteps coming towards me making me lift my head to see Nick. He sat down in the empty seat beside me and leaned back in his chair as well.

"Are you by any chance the friend Noah is bringing home?" Nick said hoping it was.

"Yeah, I figured since my brothers and dad have a meeting tonight that I would come to hang with you and Noah, by the way, do you have a dog?" I asked making him smirk.

"I do his name is Thor and he almost attacked Noah when he first met her but now they're best friends." Nick said making me chuckle.

"You and Noah can just follow me there. My dad has been waiting to meet you so badly after he found out his best friend's daughter was found and now he will after school." Nick said making me smile at his accent.

It was deep and raspy which made him ten times hotter than he already is. The next question, I already knew the answer but, I wanted to see how close they are.

"So, is Noah your real or step-sister?" I asked Nick who chuckled at my question.

"Stepsister, but we have a bond that makes it feel real, and she can take care of herself as well but she's still training." Nick spoke out making me smile.

"She seems like a nice person." I said making Nick smile.

"She is. When she moved in with my dad and I, she was feisty like you but then she chilled down a little." He said making a small grin form on my lips.

"How is it going with your brothers and dad?" Nick asked making me smile.

"It's been going good so far, they're all amazing and I'm happy to be home where I belong." I said which made him smile.

"That's amazing, Princesa. I'm glad you're finally home with the family you belong." Nick said which made my smile get bigger.

(Princesa- Princess.)

"I always had an empty feeling in my stomach and when I came home that feeling went away." I said making him agree with me because that's how he felt with Maddie his little sister.

"That's how I am with my little sister Maddie, she lives with our mother but our mother doesn't pay attention to her. The nurses and maids are the ones who take care of her." Nick said which made my heart break.

"Are you guys going to get custody of Maddie?" I asked making Nick nod his head.

"It's in motion as we speak." Nick said making me smile.

"Good, she's better off being with you, someone who is actually related to her." I said making Nick nod his head agreeing with me. "I think she'll be much happier with you. I can't wait to meet her." I said making Nick smile at me.

We continued talking about Maddie the rest of the class period.


School was finally over and I was waiting outside Noah's classroom which the door opened and students walked out and Noah saw me as she walked out and smiled.

"I should warn you before we go to my house. Nick has a dog that is aggressive at first but then he will love the shit out of you once he gets to know you." Noah said while we walked down the hall.

"The one that almost attacked you?" I asked making her jaw drop.

"Nick told you didn't he?" She asked making me laugh.

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