Carly in the Club

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A/N I want to thank all you amazing readers who have been commenting, voting, fanning and reading. I see all your comments and it motivates me to write more whenever I see your lovely words. Hope you enjoy this one. : )

"Ow!" I shrieked as another tiny single hair was plucked from my eyebrow.

"Could you, ow, explain why this is important again?"

"Do you want to look like a wooly-mammoth when you go to that club tonight?" Amber asked placing her hands on her hips.

"Amber, they're eyebrows, without getting them plucked wouldn't ouch, make me a wooly-mammoth."

"Carly, stop whining, you'll see what a difference it will make once we're done, besides, who's in charge of operation- make Carly sexy?" Amber raised a brow and tapped her foot lightly on the floor.

"You." I replied lowly.

"Good now sit quietly and let the beautifying take place, who said looking good was easy?" Amber smiled smugly crossing her arm over her chest.

"You know I guess you were right, having your eyebrows plucked does make quite a difference." I stated checking my now perfectly arched brows in the mirror after two minutes of pure torture, okay maybe calling it torture was exaggerating a bit but hey it was pretty painful.

"Told ya!" Amber flashed her pearly whites widely.

Amber grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the beauty salon. "Great now that you look like a human girl and not a grizzly near lets head to another store."

My jaw dropped and just by looking at the store I blushed. "Um Ambs, what is the need to get lingerie? I can assure you Mason and everyone else are going to be looking at me from the outside so what I wear inside needn't be changed."

We were standing outside Victoria's Secret lingerie store, well I was outside and Amber was waiting impatiently for me to enter the store. Amber rolled her eyes and stepped out with one hand on her hip, "Carly, it doesn't matter if anyone sees what you're wearing. Lingerie is like a secret make-me-feel-sexy confident booster, wearing it makes you feel good about yourself and makes you feel hot."

I looked at her like she was crazy. Sighing Amber said, "Trust me, you will know exactly what I'm talking about once you wear it."

"You know what? Let's just call this whole make-over thing off, I mean beauty is about what's on the inside that counts right? So if someone would like me they should like me for me, not for what I look like or what underwear I wear." I said hastily hoping I could get as fast away from this store as possible. I was never one for wearing lacy undergarments or whatever this store sold. In my life I was once a popular girl, but not the preppy, cheerleading, more skin than clothes type of popular. I was popular because I was one of the guys, I was a tomboy, I hung out with most of the popular guys and that's why people knew me. I was a take no nonsense girl who didn't get along with the preppy cheerleaders and even though they didn't like me but tolerated me because of my close friendship to the guys they all drooled over.

Amber rolled her eyes. "Carly, you're going there to pick up more guys that Mason would girls not to find your eternal soul mate whom you'll marry off into the sunset. I swear sometimes I feel you're from an old fifties movie."

"Now come along, unless you want to lose this bet with cocky Clarke?"

I bit my lip and looked at her without answering. She moved closer to me and held my shoulders in a dramatic way. "Think of all the possibilities when you win this bet? Think what you could make Mason do, oh the wonders."

Amber made a point; I could make Mason do whatever I wanted him to, but in order for that I would have to undergo this crazy makeover even if it meant shopping for lingerie at Victoria's Secret.

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