11 : 21 questions

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1. Favourite social media
Hers - Twitter
His - instagram

2. Favourite food
His - pizza
Hers - chicken tenders he makes

3. Best snack ?
Her - chips (fries as Americans would call them)
Him - strawberries

4. Favourite feature about the other ?
Her - He has really good taste in books
Him - when smiles too big her eyes disappear and she bounces because she cant contain her happiness

5. Others favourite song ?
His is ball w/out you by 21 savage
Hers is yo voy by zion or good2me by offonoff

6. Favourite thing to do together?
Both - sleep

7. Want to go on a date with me girlfriend?
You haven't asked me out but yes i would love to

8. Wanna be my boyfriend?
Of course!

9. Favourite rowdyruff boys character ?
Her - butch
Him- brick

10. Favourite Disney Movie?
Her - princess and the frog
Him - tangled

11. Favourite stuffie of mine ?
Lila the light blue dragon plush. Butterfly dont worry the gengar and other Pokémon ones are cute too though.

12. How do you want to be asked to prom ?
I wanna be asked during one of the matches so i can run down and hug Anton and kiss him and say yes, btw you should vouch for me me and Anton would be such a cute couple.

13. Favourite flower ?
Tulips! Orange tulips to be exact
Daisies Or baby breath

14. Would you be happy if i say Edgar is pregnant?
Should've neutered lorry, my bad.

15. How many kids do you want in the future
her - 2 or 3
Him - however many my wife wants.

16. Can I take your siblings to the big park ?
Fine as long as i get to take yours.

17. Any name suggestions for 3 kittens
Sheldon, manush, juan

18. Can we play Minecraft together for our 11th activity
Yes ! I'll make the world we playing pc right ?

19. If you were to die right now would you go to heaven or hell before you're next life?
Her - Heaven
Him - HAHAHAHA YOU THINK YOULL MAKE IT THERE AHAHAHAHA HA we going to hell butterfly, and I'll see you every chance I get.

20. Do you prefer Pc or console ?

21. Wanna do a big ass family day (explained verbally to her) ?
Yes yes yessss

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