05 : the fourth activity

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It was the next day, his hair was blonde... Kinda... Not really but it was trying.

 I was swapping music for pe to have double pe lesson so we could do our fourth activity "learning 5 dances" we ended up doing a salsa, ballroom and learning 3 kpop choreographies 'Fancy - Twice' 'movie star - cix' 'cherry bomb - nct' but then i called him mean for only doing 1 for the women and we ended up learning 'dumb dumb - red velvet' 

Which made me a very happy camper while he was dying I the background we went to break me excited and jumping around him tired as hell barely lifting his feet.
"Did y'all fuck or some?" Seven asked for everyone
"Nope ! We just did our fourth activity for the English project, learning how to dance he can waltz pretty well" i say still happy i got to choose
"Please take a seat my feet are killing me" he muttered "ill teach you how to waltz after school we can't... cant have you waltzing like that when your parents are who they are" we tried to learn waltz but uhm yeah im very bad at it may have crushed a couple of his toes before we settled on the kpop dances.

Which we had recorded and were planning on uploading it (just editing out the arguments which took up at least an hour of the recording) to YouTube so that the class could view it and we already had some videos of the other activities we did so... for computing thats what i did , I edited the videos we took and eventually made a video that worked with my computer assignment and was enjoyable to watch.
Our Dance lessons for Fancy was a fucking mess, first he almost ran into me causing an argument, then he stepped on me and hit me with his long as arms causing at least 5 more arguments, third this mf switched character and did different moves causing a quick little fight and argument... it took 40 minutes minus the arguments.

"So you're following her and copying her ok, her name is Jihyo shes a singer a really good one in my opinion do you understand who you're following?" I explained pointing her out he nodded pulling up the wrong video " can you not read ? Dumb fuck were doing fancy not the feels" i was glaring at him and the he went to feel fucking special "I SAID FANCY YOU DUMB FUCK LOOK UP 'Twice fancy dance practice' FANCY F.A.N.C.Y" it took everything in me not to punch him then and there. he eventually pulled it up after pissing me all the way off , and the proceeded to get into the wrong position after watching the dance practice 7 TIMES SEVEN

"I only watched it seven times cause i like seven" He said nonchalantly... excuse me sir , since when did you have a crush on my friend "the number not the person thats Gages girl" my shock was evident on my face which I realised from the way he lifted my jaw up and closed my mouth before gently rubbing on my throat staring at my lips. fucking freak.

"The camera is right there and you've pissed me off enough today get into position" I demanded acting as if he had no effect on me making him pout and follow the instruction for once he got it down fast. we sat around to take a break "cmere let me stretch you" i looked at him slowly blinking "come here let me help you stretch that other sentence means something completely different" I corrected him , how's English gonna be your first language and you cant speak it bffr.  We hydrated before starting to learn cherry bomb... this was going to take a while.

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