Chapter 26: The Drama

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Markris strode into his company, keeping a straight face. He had substituted his usual business attire for a more business-casual one. The sleeves on his white shirt were rolled up a bit to give more room for his hands to stay in his pants pockets as he walked freely. He ignored the greetings from everyone around, not in the greatest of moods today.

Some had worked in the office for over five years but still managed to be fascinated by him. His look was a blessing, but on his worst days, it was his curse. As soon as he stepped into his private elevator, Jorginho forced his way inside before it closed.

"Stalking me now, are we?" He said, without so much as an expression on his face.

"I wish I was that obsessed with you." Jorginho pouted, then smirked.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"So you saw me gesturing for you to wait, and you ignored me," Jorginho said, his mouth falling open. Just then, the elevator stopped.

Markris shrugged and stepped out of it. Yes, he had seen Jorginho running after him from the corner of his eyes, but why did he have to wait? It's not like he owed the man anything. Besides, he was irritated. Angry people did not have to care about any other person's feelings.

"You need to slow down." Jorginho ran after him, trying to keep up.

"Direct all our important calls to my office, but nothing past 2 pm today." He ordered his secretary without stopping as he walked into his office.

"Jesus Christ!" Jorginho exclaimed, bursting into Markris's office. He fell with a loud thud on the office couch and stretched his legs out.

Markris gave him a once over and shook his head. Dragging his chair, he sat down and pulled out his work laptop. There were so many things he needed to work on, but all this business with the wedding and Lorena was not making it easy for him to think straight. He sighed heavily and forced his mind to focus on business instead of the image of that beautiful witch etched in his brain.

"What is it?" Jorginho sat up, worried about his friend's sadistic expressions.

"Nothing of concern to you. How is the Del Monte project coming along?" He asked, changing the topic.

Jorginho's eyes lingered on him more before he pushed his hands into a bag to retrieve some documents.

"It's the exact reason I've been running after you," He said, handing the documents to Markris. "They're being difficult."

Markris fetched his reading glasses and began to scan the documents. The Del Monte project was arguably the most extensive project they had ever supervised. It was also the most difficult to land, mainly because they had thought him too young to handle this project, as if his previous records did not speak for him already.

"This is bullshit!" He said, flinging the documents to the ground.

Jorginho's eyes followed the papers as they landed on the floor, and he smiled. "I said the same thing, too," He shrugged, sitting directly opposite Markris. "But what do we do now? They're trying to play a fast one on us."

"It'll be a cold day in hell before they succeed. We managed to save that company from bankruptcy. I spent my time and efforts running around to see that it did not crumble, and that's the amount they're proposing to pay. I'll be damned!" He banged his fist on the table.

"We're lawyering up then?" Jorginho's brow raised.

Markris's hands stroked his chin, a thoughtful expression on his face. No matter how much he thought about it, it didn't make sense. The CEO of the company had told him himself that their proposal was already so much as granted when he initially submitted it. The change in tone now only meant there was some internal power tussle. Someone was trying to sabotage Carlos, and he couldn't help if he were involved in the law.

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