Chapter 21: The Defense

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"Where are you coming from dressed like that, Lorena?" Her father asked, stomping his cane hard on the ground. Lorena jerked up and began to tremble. She opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Instead, she settled for covering her body with her hands.

"What is the need for that when the world has seen you naked!" His whole body vibrated as he pointed the shaky cane at her.

"See, I told you not to do it. Now you're in trouble." Her sane voice mocked.

"Now is not the time, silly!"

She shut her eyes tightly to wade them off. She needed to think quickly. Her father was not supposed to find out about her shoot like this. Her plan was falling apart, and she couldn't even get herself to speak. Also, she wondered what was taking Markris so much time to get inside the house.

"Signor Cicero, Verona is on the phone. She wants to speak with you." A voice interrupted. As soon as the person became visible, Lorena breathed a sigh of relief.

"End the call. I don't feel like speaking to her now. Maybe when I'm done with her sister, who is taking a fine page out of her rebellious journals!" Francesca quickly did as she was ordered, then turned to Lorena and was taken aback momentarily. She had wondered why the Lord was being so loud. Now she understood. Lorena looked, well, she seemed rather interesting. Dare she say, very bold and sexy. It was a new look for her. She wouldn't have encouraged herself, but she couldn't blame the girl for wanting to live a little.

"Lorena, if you don't open your mouth and plead your case right now, I will not be held responsible for my actions."

Lorena opened her mouth to speak again, but still, no words came out. It was like she had suddenly been transported to that sad little girl she used to be. The one, her father, didn't care about was grieving her dead mother. She felt like her now, and it was the worst feeling ever. The feeling of helplessness only her father could evoke in her.

"Speak, Lorena! Speak!" He took a step forward, and she flinched. She was still trying to hold herself together when she caught a glimpse of pity and fear in the eyes of Francesca. That was her breaking point, as beads of sweat began to form a pool on her forehead.

"What is going on here?" Markris said, walking into the house. The mood was sour, and everyone had a different expression. Sir Cicero looked like he was about to strangle Lorena, who looked like a scared child. Then there was also the vaguely familiar lady, who looked like she wanted to wrap Lorena in her warm-looking hands.

"Thank God you're here, son. Look at your wife. Look at how raunchy she is dressed. Don't tell me you encourage this behavior." Markris spared a glance towards Lorena, finally understanding the situation. In his haste to drag Lorena out of the presence of the pretty boy, he had forgotten they needed to change back into their clothes. Now she was in trouble with he father, who had a murderous look in his eyes. Lucky for her, he was feeling like a hero.

"Father," He paused. "I can call you that, right?" He asked in the most charming voice he could muster. Lorena quickly raised her head, and her pulse quickened. She knew enough about Markris to realize he was about to throw her under the bus. Feed her to the wolfs, and there was nothing she could do about it. She shut her eyes tighter, resigning herself to fate.

"Of course, you can. You're my son-in-law anyway." Her father offered him a crooked smile, which was his definition of showing affection.

"I think we should speak alone in my private office. I'll explain everything to you. But now, Lorena must go in because she is not fine."



Lorena suddenly found her voice just as her father raised his voice. There was no way Markris just stood up for her. She had suddenly lost her hearing ability, or he had some tricks up his sleeves.

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