66. Lost

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(Extra update to save the cat.)

"Oh...oh shit..."

"He told me to sleep in my own bed and left."

"It makes sense now. I saw him. His back was all scratched up. We started to make fun of him but he shot us a glare so we stopped."

"He hates me."

"No, that's not it. LT just had a tough childhood and feels unlovable. He's just in shock. That's all. You'll see. He'll be back to normal in no time."

"No, the problem is I do love him! I love Simon! And now I lost him!"

"You didn't lose him. Here, how about you sleep here tonight and you talk to him tomorrow?"


From all the crying, it wasn't hard to fall asleep.

I woke up when I felt Soap get up.

I stayed laying down for a while before getting up and deciding to go eat breakfast.

While walking down the hall, I saw Ghost walking towards me.

"Ghost, I'm sor-"

He went around me and kept walking, never once looking at me.

The ball in my throat burned.

I wasn't hungry. I didn't wanna eat. I had a feeling I'd end up throwing it all up.

"Ah, YN. Care to join us for briefing?"

"Okay..." I followed Price to the room and sat down.

Everyone slowly files in and the only seat available when Ghost walked in was next to me.

So he stood and leaned against the wall.

I tried my best to listen to the briefing but it was difficult when I kept glancing at Ghost.

"Alright. Let's get going. Ghost and YN, you're together. I'll be with Gaz, Soap you're with Konig.


Ghost and I crept through the halls of the building carefully and I glanced at him.

"Ghost...we need to talk."

"Not now."

"I didn't mean it, I'm sorry, okay? Can we just pretend it never happened?"

"Like what never happened? Nothing happened, I don't know what you're talking about. Now, I don't want to hear another word unless it has to do with the mission."

I closed my mouth and shut up.

He motioned for me to go left as he went right.

I did as told and I swept the area.

"Clear." Ghost said over the coms.

Just as I was about to clear the area, I came across a girl around my age.

"YN, status?"

"Busy!" I shouted as I fought the girl.

"Damn, why are you so strong!? Ugh!" I was thrown into a cell and I groaned.

The girl backed up and I looked at her through my eye that wasn't swollen shut.


"Ghost, behind you!"

Before he could react. He was slammed over the head and thrown into the cell with me.

She shut the door and ran away.

"Hey, get back here and let us out! Ghost, are you alright!"

He groaned and sat up.

I helped him to his knees and he looked around.

"We're trapped."

"Yeah. Price, do you copy?"




"Price, this is Ghost, do you copy?"

"What if we're the last ones surviving?"

"Don't say that. They'll come looking for us."

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For MeDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu