26. Oops

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"Ah. Well, that's okay. I have no one waiting for me either. I have no idea if my mom is even still alive."

"And why is that?"

"Hm? Well, I ran away when I was 10. Last I remember, my mom was still chained up in the basement. I hope I don't have any new siblings. That wouldn't be good. I should probably go back and check."


"Yeah! My dad kept my mom chained up so she wouldn't run away. I don't actually remember her voice. She never spoke to me unless it was to tell me to leave her alone. She didn't actually like me or when I would try to hug her."


"He use to be in the army too, you know. But when he got caught raping my mom and kidnapping her from her home country, they let him go. But, they let him keep her. I don't know why."

Ghost was quite as we waited for the car to come around.

"Did he ever...nevermind." Ghost crawled into the backseat of the car.

"Touch me? Yeah. Everyday. That's why I ran away. Is it bad I don't feel guilt for leaving my mom behind? I don't think she would have come with me anyway. She didn't know English, and she didn't know the area. Plus, she was scared of my dad."

"Why didn't he ever report you as a missing child to the police?"

"Because they didn't even know I existed. I was born in the basement. He never let anyone know I was born."

"I see. Is he still alive?"

"Who knows. Probably."

"Did he ever hit you?"

"When I would fight back or try to protect my- hey look! The airport. Wait, I don't have have a passport."

Ghost handed one to me and I opened it.

"Where's you get this photo of me? I look weird."

"Don't worry about it. And put the chicken in it's cage. You can't have her free."

"What!? But she'll be scared without me!"

"You can keep her under your seat."

"Oh, okay." I let out a sigh of relief and put her in a doggy carrier.

She wasn't to happy about it but gave little protest.

After getting checked, I was surprised they let Ghost in with his mask on.

"Why'd we get here so early!? The plane won't leave for about two hours!"

Ghost ignored me and I fed my baby some millet.

After a long wait and a long ass plane ride, as well as a uber trip, Ghost unlocked his house door and we stepped in.

"Come. I'll show you to your room."

I followed with Budge on my shoulder and bags in hand.

It was very plain. Just a bed, a nightstand and a closet. Nothing more.

I looked out the window and Budge flew around, doing her own exploring.

"No more sharing a room, huh Simon?"

"Never call me that again."

I flopped on the bed and let out a sigh.

When I opened my eyes, it was dark. 


I got up and checked the window.

Locked and secured. In fact, I don't think you can even open it.

I went down stairs and found the security system.


I saw the code though.

Let's see, remember.

Beep beep beep beep.

Ready to arm!


I hurried through the dark streets until I found a working phone.


"You're late."

"I know, I got moved. Anyways, did you find the place?"

"I did. Did you decide what you're gonna do with the kids?"

"I'll leave that up to you."

"Perfect, leave that on my conscious instead."

"Just get it done. I have to go. I left the door unlocked."

"Whatever. I'll get it done."

"You always do." I hung up and ran back to the house.

I locked the door and armed the system again. I sighed and began to make my way to the stairs when I tripped and fell to my knees.

It was dark but I saw Ghost through the lamp light coming in through the window.

He was wearing grey sweatpants and I could see the band of his boxers poking out.

My eyes slid down to the bulge in his pants.

God damn!

Lick it!



Oops. What do I do?

Ghost reached out and tilted my head up to look at him with a single finger.

"No what?"

Do I tell him?

I glanced at his bulge and then glanced away.

"Look at me."

I slowly looked him in the eyes.

God damn.

Ghost x Reader: Looking Out For Meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें