 Chapter26 

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"Okay let's stop that here. No more stories." I say, not exactly liking the idea of being murdered at the age of 16.
"But you know it's true Y/n. That's why your scared." JJ continues.
"First of all, I'm not scared. Second of all, that is precisely why."  JJ laughs at me shaking his head.

"You sure you guys wanna do this? She's an axe murderer and you've got a cast on." JJ asks John b.
"You know JJ, I'm starting to get the vibe that you're the scared one." I say.
"No!" He say's defensively.
"Yeah!" I say back.
"I don't give a shit if she's an axe murderer, okay JJ?" John b says turning around to the two of us. "We've come too far just to quit now." He looks at us for a bit then starts to talk again. "Now, are you two gonna come or are you gonna stay here and make out?"
"Yeah I'd rather make out with Mrs Crain then do that." I say walking up to front of the group with Pope and Kie.

"She doesn't mean that." I whispers to John b as Y/n walks away. "She loves me."
"Sure she does." John b says patting my shoulder.
"She does! She's just is like in denial. She would definitely love to sit here and make out with me."
"Mhm." He says, rolling his eyes.

"Okay so plan?" Y/n asks.
"Right." John b starts. "So the plan. The plan is to look for wheat near water."
"Wow that's a great plan." Y/n mumbles.
"Well what kind of water?" Pope asks. "Pond water?"
"Bong water." I snicker. I find myself so funny but like who doesn't?
"Just any type of water. Any water source." John b says.
"That's the shittest secret message ever." Kie says pushing past John b.
"You wanna complain a little more Kie? No one said this was gonna be easy." Jb retorts back at her as he follows her.

"I'll search the northeast quadrant and you two can search the northwest quadrant." Pope instructs.
"You'll be right on your own?" Y/n asks him.
"I'm not a child Y/n."
"Dude I'm just asking, I know I wouldn't."
"To the decapitation quadrant N/n." I say pushing her along the path we have to take.

"I swear this place is as dry as a kooks sense of humour." Y/n says as we pass like the 10th statue.
"We'll find something eventually." I say trying to convince her as much as myself.

"Hey guys!" John b calls out to us, we all rush over to where him and Kie stand. "It's the only place we haven't checked." He says pointing to a door that leads into the basement.
"No way! There's probably dead bodies in there."
Y/n says, clearly not wanting to be here at all.
"She killed one person calm down." Kie rolls her eyes.
"Seriously just imagine though, we're walking around and than BAM dead person starring right back at us."
"You need to stop listening to JJ." Pope says to her.
"Plus she's like 100 now, there won't be any bodies." John b says.
"There better not." She says shaking her head to which I laugh at how scared I've got her. "Shut up JJ." She says giving me a playful glare, I smirk back in response.

We all give each other sceptical glances then walk into the basement.
"Down came Mrs Crain and cut off all our heads. Up came the sun and dried up all the blood." JJ sings as we walk around the spider invested room.
"If you say one more thing about Mrs Crain I'll shave your head in your sleep. You know maybe I'll give you a mullet. Mullets are kinda hot too so I guess I'd be doing you a favour."
"Damn alright but I'm already hot as it is, making me any hotter would just be too much for this world. I know you wouldn't though because, just admit it
Y/n, you've imagined running your hands through it."
"Nah, actually I haven't." I say. That was a massive lie. Many, many times, 15 year old me did that without fail.
"Mhm." He nods, smirking.

"See any water?" Kie asks looking around the basement.
"Not yet." I answer.
"There's no water on the pipes."JJ says running his hand along them.
"There's no water here, at all." Pope adds.
"Not a dropamino." JJ agrees.
"Know why we didn't find it?" Kie asks. "Bad karma."
"Here we go again." John b sighs.
"You know we had a good thing going until you decided to bring barbie into this."
"But dude barbie slaps. Like Barbie a fairy secret, best one." I say laughing at myself.
"No way!" JJ exclaims. "Barbie a mermaid tale 1 & 2."
"Not bad either."
"But now that she's here the trails gone dry." Kie continues. "Coincidence? I think not."
"This is exactly why I didn't wanna tell you about Sarah. What the hells the deal with you two?" John b asks. Sarah and Kie have hated each other ever since Kie's kook year but she's never told us why.
"Nothing." Kie shrugs.
"Oh is it because I kissed you? Is that the problem?"
His head is whipped to the side due the slap from Kie.
"Oh shit." Me, Pope and JJ exclaim.
"Stop treating me like I'm done girl that's obsessed with you! Instead, treat me like your best friend who is just trying to look out for you."
"Did you just hit me?" John b asks shocked.
"Skeeter." Kie answers, lifting up her hand to show a dead mosquito on her palm.

The two go back and forth slapping each other while the rest of us actually slap mosquitoes off ourselves.
"Why are there so many? I'm gonna bloody die of blood lose." I complain as I hit one on my arm.
"Water." Pope breathes.
"Huh?" JJ asks.
"Water. They're attracted to water. It's gotta be down here somewhere then." He explains.
We all walk around double checking the room for anything we may of missed.

I take another step expecting for it to sound normal, instead though, a creaking sound comes from underneath my feet. I look down and see I'm standing on wooden planks, Pope walks over to me and pushes a stone in between the gaps of the planks. We wait for a little bit then here a shuttle splash.

We all look around in shock. We all heard that splash. Immediately we all start moving he blanks and sure enough, underneath the planks is a very deep hole. An old Well.

We love Barbie.
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