♣ Chapter6 ♣

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"Holy shit John b are you okay!?" I ask running over to him, helping Kie and Pope get him out of the water.
"I'll be fine." He nods.
"I'm happy to help you home." Kie offers.
"Yeah thanks." Jb nods.
"I'll help too." Pope says.
"Hey I would love to but I gotta get home." I give them and awkward smile and they nod in understanding.
"Hey N/n can I-
"Yes Jay, you don't needa ask okay? You're always welcome." I smile at him and we continue walking back to my place.

Rafe POV
I felt bad for the way I treated Y/n today at the kegger, sure she deserved some of it but still I love her and I shouldn't of done that. I get out of bed, get dressed and climb out my window. It might be the middle of night but I don't really care, I start walking to Y/n's house.

It definitely took me awhile to walk to the cut but I'm here now, I walk around the back of Y/n's house and find her bedroom window but before I open it and go into her room I notice it isn't just her sleeping in her bed. Of course, JJ bloody Maybank is there too. I kick a rock in frustration which was a bad idea because it ended up hitting a metal shed causing a loud bang.
I begin to walk back to my house more annoyed and frustrated than before.

I sit up violently as I wake up.
"You right?" JJ asks sleepily.
"Did you hear that bang?" I whisper to him.
"Nah but I'm sure it's nothing, you'll be right. Come here." He says opening his arms for me to snuggle into him which I do, his warmth engulfing me. I fall back to sleep with no trouble.


"Look I'm calling it off alright." John b announces to us all once we're all at the chateau.
"What?" JJ asks completely confused on why.
"Peterkin said that if I stay out of the marsh then she'll help me with DCS." He sighs.
"And you believed her?"
"Yes I believed her JJ."
"An actual cop? John b You believed an actual cop?"
"I have no choice JJ, I have to do what's best for me, and believing peterkin is that. I know that sounds selfish but just think about it, who's house are we always at? Who owns the boat we're always on? Who owns and drives the car we all use as our transportation? Me." He gets up and walks around.

"And you shooting a gun isn't helping that."
"Right my bad for saving your life man." JJ roles his eyes.
"What like Topper was actually gonna drown me."
"Sure looked like it."
"Funny." John b says giving a sarcastic smile.
"Have you looked in the mirror?" JJ says getting up and walking closer to him.
"Come on, tell me some more, come on." John b encourages.
"They always win, don't they man? Kooks vs Pouges. They always, always win!" JJ shouts anger ringing in his voice.
"It's okay." Kie tries to reason. Me and Pope look at each other as we sit back not saying anything.
"No it's not! It's not okay. They don't want us to go down to the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there and you know it." JJ points at John b as he says the last part. "I know you do and I understand why you don't wanna go, you're the golden boy. You got way to much to risk." JJ looks at me and Pope then at Kie. "And you I mean, you're already rich as fuck anyways, why would you bother? But us-" he motions to me, Jb and himself. "-We got nothing to loose! We really don't alright?" He sighs and leans back onto the couch. He did include Pope in that little speech because well if something did happen Pope had a fair bit to loose, his family, his scholarship and maybe more but as for me I couldn't care less about the shorty house I live in and I hardly see my mum anyways.

"No." He cuts me off. "I know it didn't used to be that way for you Y/n. Or you John B. Just think about it. Do rich kids get spilt up?"
"No but-
"But what Y/n? Is it-
"Shut the fuck up JJ!" I yell standing up off the couch. "If you actually let me get a sentence out than you might get you're bloody answer! Believe it or not JJ, you're not the only one who can speak? I am sick of all of you always cutting me off alright? Especially when I'm trying to make a good fucking point!"
"Calm down you two! We're not doing this now. Y/n stop yelling and JJ stop tryna get us to do something we're not gonna do, okay?" John b yells at both of us.
"I'm gonna go now because" I get my phone out and check the time. "I have a job to go and do. Bye." I push past JJ and walk out of the Chateau.

"Bye!" I yell out in annoyance to Y/n then chase after John B.
"Holy shit she can yell can't she?" I sigh as I catch up to him.
"Yeah it seems you've forgotten since the last time she yelled at you or any of us was when we were running around her house even though she told us not to and you almost broke that clay vase her dad made for her when she was 7. She went off then." John b laughs.
"Yeah, I felt super bad then." I sigh. "Anyway I need to talk to you. You've got the key to the Cameron's big boat right?"

Oh my god, When I was writing the Rafe pov grease was playing on the tv and the scene where Danny's singing at the drive through was on and ngl it fitted so well some how. And then when I was rereading this chapter I was listening to the grease soundtrack and beauty school drop out started playing in the Rafe pov and that also fit lol. Anywayyyyyy
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