ch-1 'a war?'

365 18 15

(knock knock)

"come in" said jisung while still reading his book

"sir the king wants to see you at the court right now. he says its urgent to tell you about something"

suddenly jisungs face looses all his color and goes white. he knew that there is something alot more troublesome than the usual royal affairs but he still keeps himself calm.

" okay you may go now" jisung says to the maid while beaming a smile at her.

he sighs out after the maid leaves.

" idk what is he onto now i just hope he doesnt do anything that just hurts the public or my family" says jisung selflessly thinking about his people.

that is because his dad was the literal defination of demon. his dad has done nothing other than bad so far for his family or his people.

his mother's whole family was killed off by him just because they wouldnt let him marry her when she was just 15 and he was 30 years older than her that makes him 45 also forcing her to have intercourse with him at a young age of 15 continuously and making her have 4 children without any consent or say and still continued to take advantage of her after continuous 2 years of giving birth back to back 4 children:-

jisung and felix (non identical twins) then

seungmin and IN(non identical twins)

and when she broke her clit he started to bring any random village girl every night and have intercourse with them with consent or the r word in front of his wife.

also he killed off his sister and her husband to conquor the kingdom they used to live in and send their little son taehyung to train with army saying he should be grateful that hes raising him. all the truth of the taehyung's father and mother's death was only known by jisung and his mom as his mom told him not to tell such a heartbreaking thing to taehyung.

regardless of everything the queen was the opposite, always used to do good for public but in secret and took blame on her for which she got punished severely probably yall dont even want to know how.

still she never discriminated with taehyung and he was obv the fav child of the queen atleast. and all the children fortunately went after the mother. smart and kind but the only thing was they were omegas- which the king hated with all his heart.

he even once tried to r word his own son jisung.being omega was hard in this world coz 3 types of people existed in this world with hierarchy

1. male: a male who can impregnate
2. woman: a mistreated community who were told to only give birth and raise
3. omegas: males who can be pregnant with sex with other male. literally most unfairly treated like objects.1st bite mark remains so can be easily taken advantage of and slut shamed. weakest humans. only trained can be strong but only stronger than women. the strongest omega in the country was taehyung who can compete with men but winning is a faint possibility.the only thing that was worse for the brothers were their unreal beauties. literally everyone had a sexual desire all of them especially jisung since he was magically beautiful that his pure looks could even melt a rock. another reason why all brothers were raised with the queen and strongest trained female soldiers.

all children were treated how to use swords by the queen so atleast they know self defense without involvement of body.

suddenly jisung is taken aback from his thoughts.

" shit, i should get going before he gets angry"

then he gets up and tucks back his hair before gracefully turning and walking through the hallway with everyone bowing to him and as humble he is he made sure to greet everyone and ask how are they doing.

" so you are finally here, filth" an old voice said who was non other than jisungs father.

" why'd you summon me here, king?" jisung says changing his voice to more deep and formal and his expression changing from happy to what seemed like not interested.

" hahaha look at you being all serious. i still remember your begs on the day i tried to ra-" the kings says in a mocking tone but gets cut off by his sisters son

" sir i think crown prince has taken time out of his royal study so continue to tell us why you wanted us here" taehyung cuts in.

" you dare cut me off once more and i take out your toungue" says king while throwing a piece of glass near tae and little of it catches his hand which causes blood and cut

"king!!" jisung screams af his fathers stupidity. knowing tae was an omega it would hurt him much more than an average man

" anyways, we will be having a war" says the king with a grin.

" a war" says both jisung and taehyung surprised

" didnt you say you wont do any wars" says tae

" yeah but its the lee kingdom, we get the whole south and east if they lose more like its a bet in which we told the losing party wont be killed but i was obviously lying" king says smirking more

" wait a bet, what'd you put on the bet" jisung asks

" hah its nothing so important, yall 5 brothers".


Hi everyone, this book was made when i was still writing mafia book, that means some starting parts of the book will not be so well writen, please bare with it, ilyyyy

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