Chapter 27

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My belly button looks like it will pop out. Today officially makes my five month mark and I swear my belly grew a bit over night.

The pale red maternity dress makes me look extra pregnant. I even had a lady stop me asking if I was almost due.

I look back at the two small dresses in my arms before placing them in the cart. Since my due date is quickly approaching I'm buying tons of baby things before I go meet Oak and Brie for lunch.

I pack the cart with all the essentials before making my way to the counter. This outdoor mall is my favorite, the flowers and bushes by every store calms me. Butterflies fly around the vibrant flowers making my lips curl into a smile.

"Your total is $258." The cashier chews on her gum, "cash or card?"

I pull out the card Aless put in my bag before I left handing it to her, "Card."

I look at the multiple bags, internally groaning when I realize I have to walk these to the car. She hands me back the card and stuffs the receipt into the bag.

I send her one last smile before putting my arm through all the bags. I push the cart back to where it goes and exit the small shop.

I stop by a bench to adjust the bag that's digging into my wrist. "Do you need any help, ma'am?"

My heart beat picks up as my eyes snap up. "No thank you." I mumble. His eye twitches, "are you sure? I can hold a few bags."

"I can do it." I smile grabbing all my bags. He sends me a tight lipped smile as he watches me walk away. As I approach my car I look back one last time.

I slightly tilt my head as I watch him grab his phone from his pocket and type furiously. I'm pretty sure I remember him being in all the shops I entered.

I shake off the uneasy feeling and put my bags in the trunk. I round the car and quickly lock myself inside to make my way to the restaurant.

I drive to the sandwich restaurant Brie, Oak and I agreed to meet up at feeling anxiety sit heavy on my chest. I constantly look back feeling like I'm being watch or followed.

The restaurant being in the middle of a busy center has my anxiousness dying down just a notch. I search the parking lot and find both of my friend's cars before I head in.

"V!" B cheers standing from her seat to hug me. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." I laugh pecking her cheek. "You look great." I smile eyeing her beautiful dress. "Going somewhere after?" I tease.

"No." Despite her shrug the tips of her ears tint pink. I decide not to pry knowing she'll tell us when she's ready.

"Hey Oak, you alright?" I ask taking a seat next to him. His eyes drop down and his lips curve into a frown. He looks exhausted.

"Yea." He nods clearing his throat. "I had a rough night."

"What happened?" B and I ask feeling concern for our friend.

"I had dinner with Seb last night." He looks down picking at the bowl of chips. "Between my part-time TA position and his classes time is tight so I tried prioritizing our relationship and took a day off for him. I couldn't help myself and I accidentally blurted the L-word."

Brie and I gape at him. "What'd he say?"

"Nothing." He whispers, red Blush covering his face. "He stared at me like I was crazy and came up with an excuse to leave."

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