CHAPTER twenty

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Kwame Agyapong has been pestering me about my dad and I's issue for a while now that I have been back.

I seriously and truthfully don’t want to see my dad. Thinking about him gives me a headache because I keep having conflicting feelings. He indeed made me feel less than a human by giving me away to pay a debt but I can’t deny the fact that through his cruel way, I have a family of my own. I might not like the circumstances leading to that but I don’t hate the results.

I have a very possessive and loving husband and a wonderful kid. I love both and I won’t exchange them for anything. For that reason, I forgive him but I’m not ready to face him. I was finally enjoying my life with Kwame Agyapong and I didn’t want to think about any other thing that would give me stress.

I was sipping some expensive wine when Kwame approached me. He took my glass from me and took a sip from where my lips were and said ‘sweet’ whilst licking his lips. It was a suggestive movement and that made me smile.

I have been meaning to start calling him honey but the word won’t come out. I guess I will be able to do that after I tell him I love him. Yes, I really do and I want to tell him.

Right now, I’m not sad that I can’t go out. I don’t feel bad about it because my account has so many zeros, it has discouraged me to work. I don’t like shopping and I don’t even have to because Kwame Agyapong buys absolutely everything for me. I don’t even know what to do with the money.

He also said I could have any position of my choice in any of his companies but the money has made me lazy. I guess some inspiration will come along the line. For now, I have written two stories that are getting pretty good recognition in Ghana and they are being sold in all junior high schools. This is also bringing in a lot of money that I really have no idea on what to do with all my money.

As I was sipping my drink, he came and started with the same conversation. He says my dad is sick and I hope he gets well but I am just not ready to face him.

I looked at him calmly and told him how I feel. “You know, I’m not really mad at my dad. Even though, what he did to me hurt me I don’t hate him. true, he made me feel like an object he could sell for money and that hurt. He was my hero and role model and I looked up to him very much but the betrayal hurt. Nevertheless, through what he did I got Bright and you and I’m happy and content.”

He smiled as I said that and frankly, I didn’t want to hide my feelings anymore not that I have been doing a great job at hiding it lately.

I held his hand and continued, “Kwame, I don’t want to live in pain any more. I forgive you and I forgive him too. I don’t want to see him because I feel he doesn’t love me again and I really don’t want to bother or pester him. like he told me to do, I’m focusing on my family. You know what take Bright to see him. as for me, I don’t think I’m ready to see him.”

He agreed to do that and then said the words and now believe with all my heart. “I love you Christodia, and I will spend the rest of my life proving to you just how much I do. I promise you that I will do everything and anything to make you happy for the rest of our life. May God help me.”

He lifted me up and took me inside, and did what he does best. I don’t even know when I fell asleep but I woke up to see a praying Kwame Agyapong.

I had never seen him pray. I won’t have pinned him as a believer. With all I have seen him do I was shocked. I know a murderer can be saved but it felt hard to believe. I mean how did God do it. The whole Kwame Agyapong is praying. I know I shouldn’t judge but I couldn’t help it.

I took hold of his hands and when he opened his eyes and looked at me, I asked “when…, I mean how…, like why… no what are you doing?” I was so puzzled but he smiled.

"Some months after you left, I gave my life to God. I was a mess when you left but I found myself in a church one day, asking God to bring you back to me. I have been praying and going to church quite often till I brought you back. Believe me, I’m a changed man. I know it is hard to believe but I am truly changed. I don’t do certain things anymore. I was just feeling very grateful today, I had to thank him.”

I got down with him by the bedside and said let’s pray together, it has been a while for me too.” I do hope God forgives us. I also thanked God for bringing Kwame Agyapong into my life. I might not have liked how it all began but I like it now." After praying for a while, a thought popped into my mind.

“I guess we will start going to church now?” I asked. If he agrees it means he is allowing me to leave the house. I mean as far as I know there are church meetings through out the week.

“Yes, I guess we have to. One day off the week won’t hurt.” He said crashing my hopes. But I guess one day away from this place is a win. I would have to make do with that.

He held my hand and kissed the ring I didn’t know I was wearing. “let’s get married. Let’s make the whole world see how happy we are. Let’s have a grand wedding that will be in the news for a long time. And let’s tour the world for our honeymoon. What do you say?”

I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t stand this. If good things continue to come to me, I will get a heart attack. With the way my heart is and stomach is summersaulting inside me, I would definitely get a heart attack. I am too happy I pinched myself just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming. I then started to cry.

“No please don’t cry. Please don’t cry. What is wrong did I say something bad. Tell me and I will fix it but please don’t cry.” He pleaded whilst wiping my tears even though they kept falling.

I’m just so happy, don’t worry these are happy tears.” I smiled amidst the tears. “I love you. I love you so much. I don’t know when it started but along the line, I realized I loved being controlled by you. I love the way you were possessive with me. I hated you but I loved you just as much. I thank God for bringing you into my boring life. I love you and nothing will make me happier than standing next to at an altar. Let’s get married. Let’s receive God’s blessings and let the whole world see how happy we are.”

He pulled me to him and kissed. He poured so much emotions into the kissed that my tears won’t stop flowing. God, I love this man.
“And I love you more than life itself. You have made me the happiest man alive. Thank you.” He said.

Bright came into our room at that moment rubbing his sleepy eyes and looking at us. I brought him towards me and Kwame Agyapong hugged us together. I guess I will also be getting my happy ending. We all deserve some happiness in our life.

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