CHAPTER sixteen

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Updated again because I'm so awesome. Hope you are enjoying the book so far. 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘 😘



I thought the first thing Kwame Agyapong was going to do when we got back to the house was to take me to bed against my will. Something I wouldn’t have been surprised about but he didn’t.

He indeed took me to bed since it was still early but he didn’t do anything further than holding me through out the night. I mean the Kwame Agyapong I know and the Kwame Agyapong I was seeing now were two different men.

And it wasn’t that I was disappointed even though thoughts like he wasn’t into me anymore some how managed to keep me up. I mean I should be glad right? I was angry at him and I was angry at myself.

Bright was put in another room. it was a surprise for me. I didn’t know he had already prepared a room for him. Much bigger than I could have been able to afford. He decorated the room in a traditional color of blue and white. I would have wanted to decorate my son’s room myself but he took that away from me. I can’t find it within me to be angry with him about it because you could see the time and effort he put into it. The room gave off a soothing and fun feeling with all the stuff animals one can only imagine. It was the ideal room I had in mind for him. So, I forgave him for that.

When we got down from the car, bright was already fast asleep in my arms. So, I just tucked him in his comfortable bed that was shaped like a car and Kwame Agyapong dragged me to the room we used to share. He made advances towards me put the moment I asked him to stop, he did. I was shocked and disappointed. And now, I’m angry.

I was angry with him for shorten my freedom and bringing me back to hell hole I escaped from. And also disrupting my could-have-been love life. He told me Jene is still alive and well and that a full-grown man like that couldn’t have died from ‘small’ beatings. Yeah, you heard it, ‘small’. The kind of ‘small’ that could send someone into unconsciousness. And I hate him for everything.

I was also angry with myself that even though I keep saying I hate him, I don’t. I can’t seem to hate him. Whilst my mind tells me all the reasons, I’m supposed to base on and hate him, my heart also tells me all the reasons I shouldn’t.

The fact is, he has paid my bride price and so he is technically my husband. He fucks me just the way I want I can’t complain about that. I mean after I got used to his rough styles, I knew I wouldn’t like it any other way. And he gives me everything a woman could possibly ask for from a man. He showers me with gifts day in and day out. Plus with the way he has bond with our little boy since this morning, my reasons for running away now seem stupid.

My heart is winning this war because I can’t seem to remember the exact reasons why I decided to run in the first place.

The very morning, I return to house, he has been nothing but sweet, too sweet. He had put a table top fridge in Bright’s room. it was full of ice creams of all flavors and assorted soft drives, which by the way I will be taking away very soon. He had biscuits, chocolates and all types of sweets in a box beside the fridge. I know that is a nice way of getting any kid to like you but I was taking them all away from the room.

I thought he won’t let Bright go out like he did with me and I was ready to fight him on that but, he had registered our son in a private but famous school in Kumasi. This means my boy won’t be caged up and will be allowed to attended school like a normal boy and interact with other boys of his age. I didn’t expect that so I was amazed.

For me, he has made it clear I will not be allowed to go out because I ran the day, he trusted me enough to let me go outside. I can’t blame him. I broke his trust. It is either I stay indoors or go with ten body guards to whatever school I would want to teach.

Right now, I can’t hate him because of the love he is showering on our son. I mean how can I stay mad at him when he is doing everything to make our son happy. A son, I thought he will kill me because I was having him. I really should have thought things through. With the way he was spilling his seeds in me and avoiding all sort of protection, I should have known

Nevertheless, I’m not going to beat myself about it. I’m not at fault. If he was gentler with me, things won’t have turned that way. The kind of feeling he felt for me was unhealthy. It was obsession not love. This is why I can’t be at peace with him.

He gave me a file on Empress and I was able to see what kind of lady she was and what she wanted. I don’t know if I want to be grateful to her for aiding me in escaping and enjoying few years away from Kwame Agyapong or I should be glad she is dead because she wanted to take my place in Kwame Agyapong’s life.

It all makes me feel that I should be feeling grateful and lucky for having Kwame Agyapong in my life. I might feel it later, but for now, I’m going to stay angry at him for as long as I can. I have to make him work for my love, devotion and loyalty even though he already has it and many more.

I am struggling to admit it but I was his the very first time our eyes meet at the bar.


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