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I didn't know what just happened. Was this a dream or what? All I do is sit wedged in the corner, with no emotions. Only tears streaming down my face.

Rafe notices me and instantly ran to me and sits down next to me, holding my head and letting me sob into his shirt, once again.

He always saved me like this, and then did something shit afterwards. He was so bipolar.
He put his hands on my cheeks, wiping my face.

"Shhh." he stroked my head, whispering into my ear.

"Stop." I sniff.

"What?" his eyes soften.

"What is up with you?" I argue, turning to him.

"What do you mean?" he mumbles.

I take my head out of his hands, and look towards my dad laying on the floor.

"Can we go?"


We walk down the cut and to figure eight in silence, him understanding that I don't want to talk about what happened. We reach his house as he walks towards it.


"Yeah." he turns around.

"I'm not going in there." my voice breaks, still hurt from the past moment.

"Why?" he walks towards me, cupping my face with his hands and I instantly slap them off.

He looks at me confused.

"You're so fucking bipolar." I sniff.


"You're good to me then beat up my friends and then good to me, then tell everyone about my addiction?" I yell.

"I can't take it anymore." I sigh.

I could tell Rafe didn't know what to say by his expression.

"So you didn't want me to help you back there?" he says, his face squinting.

I sigh.

"Thank you- for what you did. Really. But-"

"But what?" he asks.

"But you can't just-"

I turn around to see what Rafe was looking at and see Topper coming our way.

"What's going on?" Topper laughs, his arm resting on Rafe's shoulder.

"Nothing man." Rafe responds.

"No way, Gia. Nice punch you did." Topper says.

"Thanks." I grin as Rafe rolls his eyes.

"Looks like he got you back?" Topper asks, noticing the bruises on my face.

I didn't know how to respond so I hesitantly laughed. Rafe's eyes softened when he saw.

I walk away, about to make my way to the chateua as a hand pulls me around.

"Where are you going?" Rafe asks.

Topper was entering his house, so I obviously couldn't go there anymore. Not like I wanted to anyways.


"I thought they-"

"Yeah they did, thinking of fixing that today." I interrupted him.

"Don't go back to your dads, yeah?" he holds my biceps.

"I know."

"Can we uh, talk about it later?"

I nod my head, unsure of why he even cared or would want to know about it.

Sure, he was lately always there with my problems for some reason, but we weren't friends?


I enter the chateau, only to see JJ smoking.

"Yo." he lights the cigarette.

"Yo." I sit down next to him.

"You want?" JJ asks, giving me the cigarette.

I nod, taking it out of his two fingers and replacing it with mine. JJ watched as I smoked, and that's when I remembered the bruises on my face.

"What did he do?" he asks.

"Not much." I look at him.

I see his lower lip basically sliced in half, as my heart aches for him.

"What about you?" I ask.

"Nothing that hasn't happened before." he shakes his head.

I pull him into a hug, as his arms tightly squeeze around my waist.

"I shouldn't have let you gone there." he cries out.

"No, it's okay!" I rub his back.

"No it's not. You're hurt." his tears make a patch on my shirt.

"JJ, no. It's not your fault." I calm him down.

"I- I can't take Luke anymore. " he blurts out.

"I know." I mumble into his neck, comforting him.

"You're okay." I reassure him.

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