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(this chapter is just showing their friendship, you don't have to read but it will make more sense if u do)

I walked all the way to the chateau, my adrenaline from the argument still running in my veins.

I open the door to the chateau, it's usually always unlocked, and walk in.

I instantly see my best friends and a huge grin appears on all of our faces. I jump into John B's arms, JJ and Pope surrounding us and hugging us tightly.

"Didn't take you long to come rushing back." John B laughs.

"Only been a year." I laugh, rolling my eyes.

"I missed you so much." Pope smiles.

"Missed you too man." I laugh.

"Alright, y'all wanna know a way to welcome Gia back." JJ starts.

"No way, JJ has a plan." John B gasps.

"Like always." Pope mutters.

God, I missed the pogues so much. JJ goes on about how we should throw a keg but I didn't listen to the rest.

"Dude, you know the first day is a pogue day." John B says.

"Yeah, kegs are a pogue thing bro." JJ puts his hand on John B's shoulder.

"Kooks are obviously gonna crash it." Pope rolls his eyes, making all of us turn to him.

"Who gives a shit?" I say, as we all laugh.


Because we're pogues, we are broke. And to throw a keg, we need beer. Plus, we are underage. JJ's cousin used to lend us beer, but he moved away a while back.

For the keg, JJ came up with another stupid plan about stealing beer, but this time when we thought it through, it was actually a good plan.

Pope denied it many times, but we calmed him down and he went with it because it couldn't possibly go wrong.

Me and JJ would dress up as inspectors, going behind the counter (where the boxes of beer are) and looking around the place whilst John B and Pope stay in the Twinkie, ready to drive off when we steel the beer.

I put on sunglasses, a paisley scarf and a formal  dress, my hair up in a tight bun to look professional.

JJ on the other hand, slicked his hair back, which I've never seen him do before, put on Pope's suit and wore sunglasses.

This was our time to shine. We hopped out of the Twinkie, and headed towards the shop.

JJ holds the door open for me and I walk in, going towards the till.

"Can I help you?" the cashier says.

"Uh, bonjour, me and my colleague are inspecting your shop today." I say in a french accent, for a reason I don't know.

JJ looks at me, as if he's fed up of my obvious lying. I just continue smiling at the cashier.

"Yes, so if you excuse us, we need to check everywhere." he says, following the french accent.

"I didn't have any inspectors reserved-" the cashier says, checking his papers on the table.

"Yes yes, we come unreserved for government." I say in the accent.

"Oh-" the cashier says as we walk behind the counter.

"Very lovely." JJ says, looking at me and pointing his hands towards the big boxes of beer.

We walk closer towards them, as the cashier backs away. I can't believe he's falling for this.

"So, can we see how heavy these are due to the lactation of alcohol used in Barbados to America?" JJ asks, pointing to the boxes.

Me and the cashier didn't understand a word he said, but he accepted his offer anyways.

Me and JJ pick up a box each, seeing how heavy it was to run with. It would be difficult, but worth it.

JJ looks at me in the eyes, through his sunglasses and mouths three, counting down.

The cashier looks at us, confused until he realises when JJ gets to one as we sprint off, trying not to drop the boxes.

"Thiefs!" the cashier yells repeatedly.

"Wee wee!" I yell back, hopping into the Twinkie after JJ.

I see all three of the boys arguing as soon as I take a seat, seeing John B asleep on the drivers seat.

The cashier is already out of the shop, running towards the Twinkie.

Pope yells at John B to wake up, but he only mumbles out 'go away'. Pope presses the acceleration with his foot and starts steeling the wheel from his seat. This was not going to plan.

"Bro, wake up!" JJ slaps John B from the seat behind as he jumps awake.

John B sees that the Twinkie's driving and he panicked immediately, flicking Pope's hands off the wheel and driving to the pick up Kie.

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