34| She.

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P.O.V: Mick 

“Oh come on freshie I didn't mean it!” I shouted with a cheeky grin as me and Zach entered the locker room.

He gave me a look of disapproval as I continued to pick on the freshman. Truth was whenever Zach gave me a look like that I just wanted to continue.

It was fun to get on his nerves. 

He, like me, was dripping with sweat from practice as we made our way to our bags and began to take off our gear. 

“I think you need to let loose and just make fun of the freshman as well.” I started with a shrug pulling on my joggers and sliding my phone into the pocket. 

“I'm the captain Mick, I can't just go around making fun of kids.” He protested and I just scuffed. 

“I'm a captain too, and look at me. Making fun of all the freshies, they'll survive.” 

“I never said you were a good captain.” Zach mumbled with a smirk on his face. 

I just rolled my eyes. 

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you almost done, the locker rooms practically cleared out and I'm waiting for you.” 

The weekend had come and gone quickly, especially spending Friday night at Zachs house. Saturday spent all day trying to make up the sleep I’d lost and Sunday half assing my homework.

It was Monday and I was ready to go home and sleep. 

“Ok i'm all done, will you ever stop complaining?” Zach said dramatically causing me to laugh as we exited the locker room. 

Almost everyone was out of the parking lot, eager to get home after practice.

Zach threw his bag in the back of his truck.

“See you tomorrow Mick.” Zach shouted before getting in his car and driving off.

I put my bag in the back seat and hopped in the driver seat. Searching around for my phone in my pocket, I couldn't find it.

“Are you fucking kidding me.” I mumbled to myself realizing It probably never made it into my pocket and was sitting on the locker room floor. 

“God this fucking sucks.” I said stepping out of my car and slamming the door just for dramatic effect. 

I walked past the front desk and waved at Gail as he was heading out. 

Getting closer to the locker room I pushed open the door but stopped short hearing someone talk. 

“Hazel, you dressed yet?’ Coach Dave's voice rang out from behind the opposite door to the locker room, the one that led to the tunnel.

“Yeah, I'm good you can come in.” Hazel's voice responded clearly as day.

I shut the door slightly so as not to be seen, looking through the small crack I left open. 

Hazel stood there in full hockey gear and my mouth dropped wide open from shock. 

What the hell?

“Look we are almost back to you being a hundred percent. I'm just worried about hitting.” Dave explained a clipboard in one hand.

“Makes sense.” Hazel said with a shrug.

I still couldn't get over the shock of her in hockey gear. Skates on, a light blue practice jersey, and a helmet. Hair pulled back in a low braid, she looked low key badass.

“So I was thinking we work on some checking drills, legal and not legal, a little boarding never hurt either.” Dave continued. 

My eyes as they were talking instantly landed on my phone sitting on the locker room floor, and I prayed to God they wouldn't see it. Not because they would know I was here, but because so help me God if I had to do suicides for the second week in a row I was going to be pissed. 

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