26| Game 1

12.6K 258 39

P.O.V Zach

I took a deep breath in as I looked out in the ice.

There was a full stand today, there normally was when there was a hockey game.

I didn't like to call them puck bunnys, but let's be honest they pretty much were because I only ever saw these people for games and they stuck around afterwards to just get rejected.

I couldn't really complain though because they did pay to be here, so more money for us.

Thrift shop was playing loud over the speakers drowning out the noise of the crowd.

"Hey only dubs today boys, we take an L and there is no party but I already bought the booze so we better god damn win!" Mick shouted to the team

I few of the newbie players gave a nervous glance towards Mick then the ice, I chuckled slightly before turning back towards the ice.

"Good evening Rice Creek City! And welcome to the Suburban Ice Area! Now make some noise for your Rice Creek Bear cats!" Hazel voice rang out over the speakers making me smirk slightly.

She was definitely good at announcing I'd give her that. She made it seem so professional, and the high-school crowd loved it.

The crowd roaring as we all skated on the ice.

"Your starting line up for tonight: On center your Captain Zachary Knight."

I lifted my fist in the air looking over at Hazel in the box with a smile. She smiled back shaking her head slightly almost saying 'your having to much fun with this'

"And your forwards, Assisant captain Mick Garner and Micah Klep!"

She continued down the starting line as we skated our warm up circle.

"And your Goalie Hayden Gains! Tonight the Bear Cats will be against San Elijando Sharks, Captain Ivan West and Assistant captain Gabe Shall."

I skated to my spot for the Michigan drill warm up looking across the ice as I awaited my turn.

"You think their any good?" I asked Micah standing behind me.

He half shrugged.

"Only one way to find out."


I put my hand in the circle and shouts "bear cats on three. One. Two. Three."

"Bear cats!"

I skated away from the circle and moved towards the center of the ice.

The other team seemed nervous, I could see it in their eyes. I raised my eye brows, sort of surprised. Coach said he was going to try and set up more challenging games.

Yet these guys looked like they were shaking in their skates.

I glided forward and hunched down ready for the face off. The ref checked with the goalies then held out the puck.

The second it hit the ice I attacked it with my puck easily winning the face off. God tonight was going to be a blow away game.

*2nd Period*

"And slashing penalty on sharks number 54 Harry Metz." Hazel announced over the mic after getting the penalty up on the clock.

She was honestly running the game so smooth it was perfect. The refs seemed to enjoy her as well. She would joke with them and understood every signal they gave. The weird thing was they already knew who Hazel was before she could introduce herself, and the refs kind of laughed when she tried to.

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