53. Who manipulates better?

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"My mate." King Xavier repeated. His face was scrunched off as if he were in pain and he was taking shallow breaths in quick pace. He took a step closer while his left hand, cupping her face, tightened and the other hand snaked around her neck to hold it from back.

Ariana stood still doing nothing. Neither returning his advances nor rejecting it. Just staring back into his eyes, which was in very close proximity.

Xavier pleaded with his eyes for her to respond. When she still didn't, he said, "My whole being is saturated with greed for your acceptance, Ariana."

Ariana kept looking at him with an indecipherable face. A gust of wind caused her hair to flutter over her face. She combed it with her fingers and tucked it behind her ear. Then all of a sudden, she pushed him off her forcefully and freed herself from his hold.

"What is this lewdness, Your Majesty!" She shouted in high pitch, trying to imitate the person who could make a scene like nobody else. Lady Persephone, the one and only. However, she couldn't outdo the finest.

"My sister is your mate! Think of her at least." She clutched the fabric covering her chest for dramatic effect.

She saw Xavier say something under his breath before looking up in frustration. Her keen eyes watched as he then shook his head and chuckled. "Your response does not come as a surprise but surely as a disappointment to me, Ariana." He said.

"What are you saying!" Her voice shrilled through the cold air.

"My love, please." said King Xavier with an eye-roll. "Do not abase yourself with such antics."

Ariana scoffed before collecting herself.

"And weren't you the one claiming me for yourself three years ago? In front of everyone, no less." He resumed.

"And wasn't His Majesty the one who clarified my mistake? In front of everyone, no less." replied Ariana. "The truth is that I didn't have my wolf to be certain that His Majesty was my mate. I just had a weak intuition. Which I can deny without a qualm, now that I have my wolf with me."

Xavier seemed pleased upon seeing Ariana regain her composure. He'd rather Ariana reply him with thought and wit. And he was a bit amused that she was trying to manipulate the whole situation.

"How is he so calm?" asked Ariana to Saoirse.

"Sean hasn't arrived. That's why."

"How are you so calm?" asked Ariana again.

"Do you not want me to be calm, human?"

"Conversing with Saoirse, love?" He asked, grabbing back her focus. "She is demanding you to accept the truth, is she not?"

"She is appalled, Your Majesty. Watching you go against your own words. Had I been his Majesty's mate, he wouldn't have claimed my sister for the world to see."

"Because I had to." said King Xavier. "Painfully and heavy-heartedly, I had to."

After a pause, he continued, "Have you ever thought of me, love? How I, a werewolf, had to give up on my mate for reasons unbeknownst to her. How I, her mate, has to endure being the scoundrel of her life. Have you, for all these years?"


For the first time, Ariana felt a pang of guilt in her heart.

"If I were your mate, what would that reason be?" she asked.

Xavier had everyone's undivided attention on him at the moment, but he sat in silence. He hadn't heard back from the Vampires yet. Even so, he was certain that they would accept his terms. Partake in his conspiracy. Hence, he disclosed Ariana being his true mate early, knowing very well that he would be denied and criticized. But those very people would feel guilt for not understanding him now when he would tell his fabricated side later. And he knew that guilt is the heaviest emotion.

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