36. Destined to Meet Again

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Nathaniel roamed his eyes freely all over the throne room as he entered along with his father, former Alpha Tywin and Luna Iria, followed by Dr. Howard. Everything looked the same from the last time he had been here. The same grandeur and the same audience. Only the relations had changed. 

No longer was Alpha Anwar, who was looking at him with hope in eyes, his best friend. The girl, who was supposed to be his soulmate, disgusted him to such extent in a single glance that he didn't even spare her a second one. People who had scoffed and berated him for going against the King was now looking upon him in honor.

The Astor family took their place beside the Bennet family. Alpha Nathaniel didn't bother to greet them and neither did anyone from his side. Luna Barbara decided to initiate a civil conversation.

"It is wonderful seeing you after such a long time, Nate." She smiled warmly.

"You made your Pack proud, son." Alpha Edward added.

But Nathaniel wasn't going to fall for any of their act. He could feel bubbles of anger forming in his chest thinking about their betrayal towards their own daughter. But then again, in their mind and heart, they only had one daughter. The daughter that Luna Barbara had already started talking about. 

"... and Persephone has been busy doing philanthropic acts." At the end of her mother's sentence, Persephone studied Nate's face for any reaction.

"We know all about your eldest daughter's acts, Barbara." Luna Iria intervened with a sickly sweet smile.

Persephone bit her lip to prevent tears falling from her eyes. She looked up and took a long breath before speaking. "Enough about me. How was the human world, Nate? Hope you didn't have trouble adjusting there?"

The whole time Nate was staring straight ahead as if nobody was trying to engage him in a conversation. Luna Iria glanced at her son before turning towards Bennet family. "He didn't have any trouble whatsoever, girl. Sweet Ari was always there for him."

A silence followed.

"I didn't know you two were good friends." Persephone's voice was shaky.

To her humility, Nate continued ignoring her words and presence.

Again, Luna Iria spoke on his behalf. "They are closer than just good friends. Ariana has always helped my Nate both in study and life. I am glad that a kind soul like her is with my son."

Once again, Persephone's eyes filled with tears. She could feel her heart sinking.

"She has always been more of a giver." said Anwar with a bittersweet smile.

"I know." Nate spoke for the first time. The fondness in his voice perplexed the Bennet family.

Dr. Howard leaned towards his Nate. "When will they reach here?"

"Ivory informed me that as soon as Ariana had felt better, they hit the road. They shall reach here in no time." He answered.

Doctor nodded in approval.

Trumpeters started playing as a herald announced the King's arrival. "Descendant of our Goddess, Guardian of all Packs, King of Wicref, His Majesty Xavier Kon Lancaster."

Everyone stood up from their seat and bowed their head while the King glided towards his throne. 

"Bastard." Nate whispered to his wolf.

"Duke and Duchess of Suffolk, His Highness Lorenzo Idris Suffolk and Her Highness Lily Anne Suffolk."

The Duke and Duchess walked across the aisle and stood in either side of the throne as the King took his seat.

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