Chapter Twelve:: Establishing Bonds

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I sat on the tiny fishing dock, dangling my feet into the water

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I sat on the tiny fishing dock, dangling my feet into the water. Trying to decompress. Every now and again a fish would brush against my feet, tickling my skin.

I heard a twig snap behind me in the woods.

"Newt, I'm really just not in the mood right now. I'm sorry. We can talk later while I'm doing the dishes with Fry after breakfast. I just- need some time to think."

"Well, I'm not Newt, but I won't say anything. Just keep ya company," Minho sat next to me on the dock, leaning back against his arms.

"Could get a nice tan out here..."



I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath while feeling the warm sun on my skin. The feeling of the water on my feet.

"I'm sorry."

"What the hell for?" Minho scoffed. "That was awesome. Zart looked like he shit his pants. I didn't know you had that kind of fire in you."

"It's a lot," I sniffled, suddenly tearing up. "I hate this. I hate being the only girl. Everyone thinks I'm weak. Or an object. Or fair game. I'm my own person!"

"I don't think you're any of those things."

"I know," I sighed, opened my watery eyes and turned back to him. He gave me a small smile and sat up, then patted his shoulder.

Which I leaned on immediately. It felt safe.

"Why can't all the others be like you, Minho."

"Because I'm one of a kind. A one time deal."

I snickered. "Wow."

"So... you and Newt are siblings, huh?" He grinned. "Explains a lot. Only, you've got the temper and he's the mellow one."

"We balance out I guess," I agreed. "I didn't want everyone to find out yet. Let alone like that. But Zart had to go and ruin everything."

"Want me to beat his ass for you?"

"What is with you and beating people up?" I asked him, both of us laughing at his immediate default resort to violence.

"Just what I'd do if anyone decided not to use their shucking brain and mess with you in any way," He shrugged. "Just say the word. I'll be your personal guard dog."

Guard dog. Dog. Barking. The barking in my dream, it was a dog.


"I have a dog," I whispered, shock consuming me. His face faded into view in my mind. His soulful eyes and pointed ears.

Sailor. My shepherd.

"You what?" Minho looked thoroughly confused. "I didn't hear you?"

"A dog, Minho. I-I think I had a dog before all of this. I... can't remember where or how or when but I had a dog at some point and his name was Sailor."

"Really?" He smiled, then leaned his head against mine. "We'll find him. When we get out of this klunkhole. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Minho."

It was quiet for a while, nothing but the sound of the pond water lapping up against the dock posts plunged into the drink.

"Yknow... I tease a lot about... liking you and defending you and getting jealous and all that klunk..." Minho began, an ever so slight tone of nervousness in his voice. "But I really do like you, Elsie. More than... a guy like me could admit."

He was quiet, awaiting my response. Which hasn't been formulated yet.

"Minho I don't know," I shook my head, sighing. "I don't know what I want. And I'm still trying to figure myself out. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship."

"Oh, yeah, totally," Minho nodded. "I get it. And just because we're not involved doesn't mean I won't still defend you like usual. If Zart ever bothers you again you let me know."

The rest of that day was pretty monotone. A calm day for once since I've been here.

Frypan didn't bother me about Minho anymore, Chuck and I hung out with Dory and I helped him with his slopper job when I wasn't helping Fry with kitchen things.

However, the one thing I was still stuck on was that rose.

Afternoon cleaning up dinner with Frypan I sat out against the runner hut in that patch of longer grass, weaving together another bracelet.

Well, a few.

Newt sat with me, listening to the crickets and watching me weave as we talked. We've felt so much closer since I found out we're siblings.

"I think if it were Zart he would've tried to one up the other guys by obnoxiously bragging about it," I explained to Newt.

"Yeah, you're probably right. Maybe Minho?"

"Similar reason. I feel like he would've told me. So he could win points with me or something."

I finished a bracelet and smiled at my new sturdier design. I'd weaved a reed from the pond through the center of the grass, making it a more snug and stronger fit.

I handed it to Newt, who eagerly grabbed it and slipped it on. I couldn't help but feel so proud when he admired it on his arm.

"You're really good at this. If money was a thing here you could sell these."

"Probably not for much," I shrugged, starting on another one for Chuck. "It's just grass."

It was quiet. Until I remembered something.

"We had a dog," I smiled fondly at the memory. "He was beautiful. Sailor. I remember him in my dreams."

"Do you think he's still out there?"

"Not likely," I frowned at the thought. "I assume whoever snatched me to throw me in here just left him."


"I think I like Minho," I blurted suddenly. The thought broke out of my head without my permission. Aching to be discussed.

Who better to talk about it with than your protective older brother, right?


I nodded silently, focusing on weaving this bracelet.

"Well... what are you gonna do about it?"

"I don't know," A sigh. "I don't know if I want to do anything about it."

"Whatever you choose, be careful. Don't hurt anyone, especially yourself."

Typical brother response.

Soon I was fighting to keep my eyes open. Newt smiled. "Come on, then. Bedtime."

"Newt, I'm not a child. I don't have a bedtime."

"Curfew, then. Whatever you wanna call it. You can barely keep your eyes open. So come on. Bed," He pulled me up to my feet with his hands. Only then he hugged me to his chest.

Once again. That familiar warm feeling.

"I love you, Elsie," He muttered, tightening the embrace. "I'm so glad you're here now. I... I needed something to make all of this less painful."

My heart fluttered at the statement, but I eagerly returned it. "I love you too, Newt. I'm so glad I found you."

You Make Me Brave // Gally x OCWhere stories live. Discover now