Chapter Two:: Greenie

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"They wanna put her in the maze with him

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"They wanna put her in the maze with him."

"Is that really a good idea? I mean, wouldn't that jeopardize the entire experiment?"

"Ask them that. It's their idea. It's not a great one but they're the ones in charge. If you ask me, I think it's just for their entertainment."

My eyes fluttered open but immediately closed with a wince. A surgical light shines above me, right into my face.

Very slowly, I opened my eyes just a crack so I could adjust to the blinding light above me. Once my eyes didn't burn too much, I managed to look around.

Two young people in white lab coats, surgical masks, and blue rubber gloves stood over a counter across the room.

I didn't know where I was. Or why I was here. Is Newt here? Could he be alive? Is this where they took him, too? My internal monologue was cut short when one of the doctors turned to face me.

"Whoops! Never seen that happen! Usually the tranquilizer lasts ages with the girls! Well, back to sleep you go!"

The doctor tried to insert a blue liquid into the IV line in my arm but I punched him in the nose so hard it knocked him back and caused his nose to bleed.

The other doctor, a girl with dark brown hair and striking blue eyes, turned towards me in shock. She too held a syringe of the blue liquid in her hand. I sat up and she lunged for me, but I shot up from the table and sprinted across the room to the glass door.

Thankfully it was unlocked, and I found myself sprinting down the hallway with wide eyes. I had no idea where I was going. Anywhere but that lab room.

I was so confused. Maze? Who were they putting me with? Where is everyone else? Why is everything white? Is my brother here?

I didn't have time to ponder any of those questions much longer. I slammed into the back of a well dressed man with grey hair.

He turned around and looked down to me on the cold tile floor and grinned. "Well, hello there... A6."

"W-what?" I stuttered anxiously. I was about to stand up on my own when he reached his hand out to help me up. Cautiously, I took it and stood up slowly. "Where am I?"

"Dear child," He chuckled. "All you need to know... is WICKED is good."

Since he had me distracted, I wasn't able to see behind myself. I felt yet another sharp prick in my neck and found myself collapsing to the cold floor. The last face I saw was the girl with blue eyes and brown hair.

Cold. Why am I always cold? Where am I? Why can't I remember anything? I began panicking. I don't know who I am.

It's pitch black in here. Wherever here is. Suddenly though, I heard a bleat in front of me.

"Hello?" I called out to the darkness.

I heard little footsteps on the metal surface I'm sitting on start approaching me. Then a fuzzy head nuzzled into my arm.

I winced and grabbed at my left shoulder, finding a bandage covering a raised wound. There had to be stitches there at least. I wonder what it is. I didn't notice it until this animal touched it.

I reached my hand out and felt a pelt of short, smooth fur. It's a baby goat. It curled up in my lap and settled there with a quiet bleat.

My hand stroked it's little hornless head, calming my anxiety. Something about this feels like deja vu. Like I've done something like this before.

I didn't have much time to rest with the goat before it felt like the entire room was shaking. Gravity felt off, like a force was pushing me down harder onto the floor.

It wasn't until a bright red light passed the tiny room I'm in that I noticed I'm traveling up. And fast. Very fast.

The tiny room quickly passed many red and green lights before slamming to a stop. I hadn't noticed I was panting until it went deathly silent. Then my ears screamed when a loud siren rang out.

The goat and I were silent for what felt like an hour but was really only fifteen minutes. There was an ear piercing screech of metal against metal and a grinding of gears as a set of metal doors opened above the tiny room.

Light shone in around me, causing me to cover my eyes with my arm. Blinding lights. What's with all the bright lights? Someone pulled up on the metal grates above me which opened the tiny space to the outside.

I heard whispers and mutters all around me, making me feel insanely intimidated.

"Well, shuck, someone go down there, then!"

"You do it! You're the one shouting orders!"

"But it's- a female!"

I heard a loud thunk of shoes hitting metal and suddenly I didn't have to shield my eyes anymore.

The person standing above me covered me from the sun anyway with their broad shadow.

I looked up at the person, seeing a boy with short cut blonde hair, a stocky build, dressed in brown from head to toe. He gave me a confused glare.

"Day one, greenie. Welcome to the Glade."

"Let her out, then!" A boy above us shouted.

"Yeah! Let's get a look at her!"

What? A look at me? Like an animal?

Suddenly I was lifted up out of the metal box and dropped unceremoniously onto the grass.

Which I would've had time to admire due to its softness if I wasn't absolutely petrified. I shot up to my feet and took five seconds to choose a route, then took off.

Sprinting towards a giant opening between two huge stone walls.

"Where is she going?!"

"Hey!! Someone stop her!!"

"She's gonna get into the maze!!"

I heard fast footsteps behind me but I was much faster. The soft thud of my boots on the grass soon turned into loud slaps as I crossed through the opening and was running on concrete.

I made a right turn, then a left, and another left, and a right until the voices of the boys faded and all I could hear was my own panting and pounding heartbeat.

I took a second to breathe and looked around.

Where. Am. I?

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