Chapter 18

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The crunch of the leaves echoed through the silent forest. The footsteps of the tall man being the only sound disrupting the silence. He was breathing heavy and his face showed a stressed expression.

Namjoon loved the silence in nature. Away from the busy city and to a peaceful place full of beauty. But today he couldn't enjoy it as much as he usually does.

One particular boy just wouldn't leave his mind. Those full pink lips, sweet smile, broad shoulders and wonderfully caring personality were all he could think about. But Namjoon also knew he had blown his chances when he walked out of the room.

Walking on the little stone path between the trees a wooden cottage came into view. It was overgrown with plants and the garden was full of flowers of every color imaginable. But what stood out most was the bright yellow door with blue butterfly's on them.

Namjoon knocked three times on the door and a moment later it opened with a soft creak. A small lady came into view with her dimpled smile and long dark hair.

"Oh Namjoon my darling, how are you?" The lady hugged Namjoon and let him into the small house. "I'm okay aunt, could be better." Namjoon took of his jacket and shoes before walking into the living room.

"What's wrong darling, you know you can tell me everything and if you don't I have super senses that will suck it out of you." She teasingly said while sitting down in her favorite yellow chair. 

"I messed up." Namjoon confessed. "Well how bad is this mess up from you?" Namjoon sighed and told her the whole thing about yesterday. How Jin got an unexpected phone call. That he had to drive him to the hospital and the fact he has a daughter.

"Well I don't see why him having a child would be a problem." Aunt handed him a cup of tea. "I walked away after he told me that because I didn't know what to say. I was just shocked." Namjoon took a sip and sighed.

"Yeah okay you messed up." She gave him a joking smile. "Well thanks a lot for this great advice auntie."

She grabbed his hand and signaled him to move closer. "I can see you like this boy. It's pretty obvious. And you shouldn't be afraid of a future with him when you haven't even asked him out. I get it that your afraid, liking someone can be scary but you should go for it before it's too late."

Namjoon let her words sink in and looked outside of the window. "What would mom say." His mom always knew the right words to comfort him. Even the simplest smile would say enough. He missed her.

"Your mom would be so proud of where you are in life right now." Aunt smiled. "But she would also give you a smack on the ass for walking away from that boy and your feelings." Namjoon laughed, yeah his mom would totally do that.

"I saw you still kept the door." Namjoon changed the subject. "Oh yeah your mom painted it so of course I kept it, I even kinda painted over it to make it seem as good as new." Aunt smiled. 

"Well now you should go and make a really good plan to win that boy over, okay?" His aunt basically shoved him out of the door into the peaceful nature again. Namjoon walked his way to his car and put on some music.

Driving all the way home thinking about Seokjin.

- - - -

Walking into the university the next morning was a nervous moment for Namjoon. He decided it was time to tell Seokjin how he felt. The talk with his aunt really helped him realize that.

Opening the classroom students walked in after him. But Seokjin was not between them, which was strange because usually he was the first one to arrive.

He put his bag on the desk and grabbed all the papers he needed for today class. Turning back around to the class he saw Seokjin walking through the door, walking quickly passed Namjoon like he didn't exist.

It hurt Namjoon but he had to put it aside quickly, he had a whole room to teach. 

Well teaching that room didn't go that great. He gave the wrong explanation twice and also messed up a super easy question. A student even asked him if he was okay.

If that happens it must be really visible that he isn't okay.

"Kim Seokjin could you please stay after class." Namjoon spoke as he wiped the board. The class had ended and he just had to talk to Seokjin.

A few minutes later he heard a cough behind him and saw Seokjin standing there. Bag over his shoulder wearing a light green cardigan and blue jeans, he looked stunning.

"Uh...hi Jin. I-I wanted to talk with you....Are you okay with taking a little walk." Namjoon suggested hoping Jin would accept his offer.

"S-Sure lead the way." Jin said yes and inside Namjoon was jumping. "Okay let's go."

They walked out of the university building into a nearby park. It was a beautiful day and Nmjoon couldn't help but smile. But he also noticed the sad look on Seokjin's face.

Stopping in front of a bench they sat down. "So talk." Seokjin said giving Namjoon a serious look.

"I'm sorry for what happend two days ago in the hospital. I shouldn't have walked away like that. I was just shocked and didn't know what to say, so my fears got the best of me and I walked away. I know it isn't an excuse for y behavior but I just want you to understand."Namjoon took a deep breath.

"My mom passed away when I was a child and since then I had this anxiety fear of loosing the people close to me. What I'm trying to say is. Seokjin I don't want to loose you because I like you." 

Seokjin then grabbed Namjoon's hand and smiled. "Thank you for your honesty. I was afraid to. After my ex left me when I announced I was pregnant I thought you would maybe do the same when you found out I had a daughter. But I'm glad you didn't." A blush decorated Seokjin's face.

Namjoon held both of Seokjin's hands and then asked with his pounding hart.

"Will you go on a date with me Seokjin?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 ⏰

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