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| Filler chapter |

|February 20th|

|February 20th|

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I stared at my neurobiology test with a blank stare. This was the lowest grade I have ever gotten in all of my college courses. A 58. Everyone next to me was cheering about their grade and showing our other classmates.

"Hey Kyrie, what do you get?" One of the girls asked with a huge smile. I displayed a fake one.

"Oh uh 85" I lied.

"Congrats, I love to see us thriving" I nodded as I started packing my bag up to leave the classroom.

"Kyrie, may I speak with you for a moment?" I looked up at my Teacher who had her arms folding underneath one another.

"Uh sure" I waited until everyone left before making my way to her desk.

"I've been a bit concerned, you seem to be a little disconnected with my class as of recently"

"Yeah sorry just a little tired that's all" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"There's no need to lie to me, I've had you in many of my classes before. I know it's not my business but is something going on? Should I be concerned?" I gave a small smile. Mrs. T was the only teacher I felt comfortable to have a normal conversation with. She reminded me of my grandmother a lot.

"Well um" The tears started falling down my face.

"Oh honey" She pulled me into a hug as I continued to cry. She rubbed my back in an attempt to calm me down.

"Is everything okay Kyrie? If you needed an extension you know you can ask me" i wiped my tears shaking my head.

"I don't want you to treat me differently than the other students" She shook her head.

"Nonsense, you know you're my favorite" I showcased a smile. "Your recent test was crucial. I'll let you retake it"

I shook my head "No Mrs. T you don't have to do that"

"Your mental health is more important than a silly grade. I can tell you have quite a lot going on and its none of my business to dig deeper into what that is but I want to help in some way. Therefore, I'm giving you another opportunity to retake this test, okay?"

"Okay, thank you" She gave me another hug.

"Of course sweetheart. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm here" I wiped the last few tears before grabbing my bookbag and waving bye. I pulled my phone out going to my contacts. I held my phone by my ear as it rung.

"Hey love" A smile graced my face.

"Please tell me your not busy right now?"

"Never for you I'm not, wassup?"

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