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| November 16 |

| November 16 |

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It's been a week since she found out about my pill addiction. It wasn't something I really wanted anyone to know about. I did a good job with keeping it under wraps from everyone. It's not something I was proud of but I had a hard time going without them for a long period of time. When I got in an incident with my father, I was prescribed Opioids at first.

No one tells you how addictive pills can be when they bring you peace and calmness. At first I was taking it for pain then as I was started to get better, I relied on them more. Definitely since my life at home was shit.

When Levi introduced me to Marijuana, it relieved a lot of that pressure of my shoulder to stay out of my head and suppress the problems I had. It worked for awhile until I couldn't get as high as I use to. The itch for something stronger was always my problem. I enjoyed being able not to feel anything. A knock on my door brought me out of my thoughts.

"It's open" the door creaked open as Levi stood at the doorframe. We gave each other an intense stare before I looked away staring at my wall. Which had a Polaroid of me and Ky at the animal shelter.

"I figured it was best I give you some space before I ask what happened last week" I leaned back in my computer chair with a sigh.

"Man dawg, I fucked up" I swiveled my chair around to where I could see his face again.

"Talk to me, what happened?" I chewed slightly on my bottom lip.

"She found my stash" I mumbled. He cocked an eyebrow as he walked closer in.

"What you mean?"

"I've been taking ......Xanax"

"Myles, I thought you said you wasn't going down that path again" his voice was few notes higher than usual.

"Lev I promise you I did quit, I just picked it back up recently over the summer" he threw his hand up disappointing.

"I can't have a repeat of last time bro" he spoke. I looked away feeling bad. This was the main reason why I didn't want anyone to know about it, especially Levi.

"Next time, it'll be worse" Myles father said as he pulled his jeans back up. Myles laid on his bed violated, lifeless, and drained. He curled into a ball as he watched his 'Father' buckle up his pants satisfied.

Here he was at the age of 16 getting sexual violating by his father. This was no way love is shown in other households except the Smiths. After hours of just laying in the fetal position, Myles decided enough was enough.

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