25 | You're My Best

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"I know, you can't resist,"

"That's exactly the reason for my protests!" I exclaimed. "We're on the couch!"


"It's in the living room,"

"So?" I rolled my eyes.

"Stop repeating the same thing. Yeah, I can't resist you and if I don't, anyone at the door can hear us..."

"Us?" He raised an eyebrow, making me blush.

"Fine! Not us, but me!" He laughed.

"What if they do? We're a married couple."

"This isn't the pla___" That's all I could say before effectively being silenced by him.

"It isn't about the place, but the person..." He whispered.

I woke up early and brushed my teeth. Still in my pyjamas, I came to sit on the couch with a glass of water and my phone.

I don't know when I was ambushed while checking my mail inbox, but here I am.

"Johann...please..." It came out as a whimper. "I can't..." God, was I a mess! "Please..."

He was totally blocking out my voice. I started biting the inside of my cheeks.

Screw it! It's time to show him what happens if I get the upper hand.

I turned us over, now straddling him. He clearly hadn't expected it. It took less than 5 seconds for me to leave him panting.

"Hann..." Ha! That's why you should never mess with your missus.

It's been nearly 20 days since we last made love, you can say first too. After that he had to visit his father's office regularly and came home past 11 pm, tired. Running a publishing house which provided services like editing, cover designing and e-book publication, isn't an easy job. And sleep deprivation was the last thing I needed for him.

Last week he'd to work on weekends too. Since he was just getting the hang of it, week off wasn't even an option. Since April, he officially took over the job and made Friday his regular week off, so that he could be home 3 days in a row and it's been only 3 days since April 1st.

He gasped and groaned. It was enough to let me know that I was doing it right.

"Who's more likely to be heard now?" I smirked.

"No, no, no, no, no...please," He begged.

He hadn't had this type of treatment ever. Last time he was the one doing almost everything.

I had no intention of going there on the couch, I just wanted to freak him out. I got to his side and wrapped my arms around his torso, before pecking his lips.

"Don't you mess with me again," I laughed.

"Not even in my dreams," He sounded serious.

"That you're allowed to," I rested my head on his chest and traced patterns over there.

"Really?" He shook a little as he laughed. "You're truly amazing,"

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