22 | Lions Don't Make A Move From Behind

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"It's just like how sis spoilt Daisy," Ryan said.

"And we call it love for babies," I compiled. We all had a laugh then got to our vehicles. As soon as we all entered the house, my phone rang. I just knew who it was, my dear Emily! Though the pictures were sent from Johann's phone, I knew she'd call me after seeing them. I gathered everyone on the couch and had the speaker on. "Yes, Emma?"

"Was that picture taken from back camera, or selfie camera?" Silly girl.

"Hahaha, smart one. I'll answer you straight away, that's my left hand."

"You serious?"

"Yep, where are your pare___" She was already screaming for them to hear.

"Anne! Baba! Nişanlandılar!!"
(Mom! Dad! They got engaged!!)

Aunt Sarah doesn't speak English, but can understand bits and pieces, so the family speaks their native language at home.

"Kızım, sakinleş biraz, bir kardiyoloğa kalp krizi geçireceksin yoksa.
(Girl, calm a bit down, or else you'll give a heart attack to a cardiologist.) Uncle sounded frightened himself, we can only imagine aunt Sarah jump on her seat on hearing Emily scream.

"Açık açık söylesene. Kim nişanlandı? Kiminle nişanlandı?"
(Speak more clearly. Who got engaged? With whom?) Aunt Sarah asked.

"Ya abim diyorum, nişanlandı!"
(I'm talking about my brother, he got engaged!)

It was like she forgot that she was on call. Ann had the translator on and Ryan had a hard time controlling his laugh. Johann slapped his head on hearing the exclamations his sister was making.

"Kızım, ne saçmalıyorsun gecenin bu saatte ya, iyi misin sen?"
(Girl, what nonsense are you talking about at this hour of the night, are you all right?) Uncle Steve asked.

"Hopârlör açıyorum şuan, Hanna telefon da..."
(I'm turning on the speaker now, Hanna's on the phone...)

Thank god, she finally remembered me.

(Hello everyone!) I spoke.

"Merhaba canım, ne duyuyorum ben şuan? Biz olmadan nişanlandınız mı ikiniz?"
(Hello dear, what am I hearing now? You two got engaged without us?) Aunt Sarah asked.

"Yok yenge, olur mu öyle bi' şey? Siz ona dinlemeyin,"
(No aunty, can something like that happen? You don't listen to her,) Johann jumped in.

"Yani tören, kutlama falan olmadı, siz olmadan olmaz tabiki, ama yeğeniniz evlenme teklif etti bana bende kabul ettim."
(That is, there was nothing like a ceremony, or a celebration, there won't be one without you of course, but your nephew proposed me and I accepted.) I clarified.

"Tebrikler çocuklar, mutluluklar dileriz,"
(Congrats children, we wish you lots of happiness,) Uncle Steve said.

"Kızım, çok mutlu oldum,"
(I'm so happy for you girl,) Emily said.

"Kızım nedir ya? Yenge diyeceksin bundan sonra."
(What's this girl and all? From now on you'll call her yenge - sister in law.) Johann teased her.

"Vay be! Hanna, abim nerede? Naptın ona?"
(Whoa! Hanna, where's my brother? What'd you do to him?) She laughed.

"Don't worry about him, we're all here for you," Ryan spoke, fighting his urge to laugh.

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