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MONTE CARLO, MONACO; May 30th 2022

The celebrations had run long and hard the previous night, Daniel overjoyed that he had gotten his mojo back and not letting anyone leave till they were all completely trashed from partying so hard. A bunch of other people from the other teams had shown up as well, including Max and both Ferrari boys who had brought along their partners.

What wasn't as enjoyable as the previous night though, was the pounding headache that Isla had woken up with the next morning. She slightly regretted her decision to stay out as late as possible last night, but she was staying in Landos guest room and she wanted to delay coming home to those two for as much as she could.

Isla quickly goes through the motions of getting herself ready for the day, spending an extra twenty minutes in the bathroom trying to withhold the intense need to throw her guts up. She could already hear commotion outside in the kitchen, the couple presumably already up and making breakfast.

She sluggishly makes her way into the kitchen area, plopping herself down on a stool right next to Max— who had found his place on the sofa last night, as Luisinha stands by the stove with Lando next to her brewing some coffee for everyone.

"I feel like death." Isla groans, placing her head in her hands at the brightness of the room around her.

Max gives a slight shove, almost pushing her off the stool. "Stop being so loud, my heads gonna explode."

"Push me again and you're dead, Fewtrell." she shoves him back before Lando places two mugs of coffee in front of them to shut them up. "Thank you."

"Maybe you wouldn't feel so horrible if you had contained your excitement for your boyfriend last night." Lando teases, his girlfriend letting out a slight snort as she recalls how the pair were all over each other last night.

"This might be your house, Norris, but I will not hesitate to dump this coffee all over you."

Lando quickly puts his hands up in defense, moving to hide behind his girlfriend who simply shoves away from him and moves to the breakfast bar. "How about we all stop annoying Isla before she goes feral on us?"

"Funny!" Isla scrunches her face up in a mock smile as her best friend laughs. "You guys are horrible, I want Amani back." Islas phones pings with a message. "That's probably her, my only friend who actually cares about me."

The trio quickly laughs it off before continuing their tasks, Max now fully dozing off in his slumped position. Lu was silently waiting by the stove, flipping pancakes, for Isla to tell her what Amani had texted her about. However, as she turned to look at her best friend who was gazing at her phone with a soft smile, she immediately knew it wasn't their third counterpart who had texted.

"Stop staring and text back." she huffs, placing one last pancake on the stack.

Islas head turns up to glance at her quickly, the look in the Portuguese womans eyes telling her that she knew exactly what was going on on her screen. "He wants to have lunch."

"Who?" Landos ears perk up at the topic change, mouth full of pancakes. His eyes quickly widen with realisation though before anyone could answer him. "Wait, no way!"

Maxs head turns across the granite to look at the woman sat next to him. "What in the world does Daniel see in you?"

"Shut up, Max. Isla say yes!"

"I thought we had plans today?" she questions, her nails already picking at the skin surrounding them nervously.

Luisinha could see right through her best friend, she knew this was another one of her evasion tactics. She wasn't really sure what it was that was holding Isla back anymore, Daniel had proved he was a perfect gentleman and all of their friends could vouch for him.

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