𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 10

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Alanna, and Enola quickly changed into ball gowns, Alanna spared Enola one of her dresses and even did her hair.

Alanna bought the both of them mask for the ball just incase. The two came in a carriage getting off. Alanna went ahead while Enola stayed behind for a moment

"Pray Silence for his Lordship Viscount McIntyre." A man announced "I-I'm sorry to break apart this glorious occasion, but, well, I'm a politician. Any chance to stand on a stage, I'll always take it." McIntyre laughed as Enola and Alanna walked in together

"And I must speak to thank our host and applaud his achievements." McIntyre said as Enola took her mask off sighing and putting it on a tray "No mask, no matter." Enola said

"For Henry Lyon turns all before him into gold." McIntyre said "Ha, nonsense! Pewter at best." Lyon joked as more laughed

"What he has done with matches is legendary. In two years, he's turned red into black. Or should I say, red into white? And to have this humble man turn his attentions to typhoid and the working poor, raising funds, diagnosing cases in the community, I'm overwhelmed. I'm simply overwhelmed. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Henry Lyon. And to his fine son, his heir, William. To the future." McIntyre stated

"To the future." Everyone repeated "May it ever be bright. Right, Henry, light is up." McIntyre told Lyon.Lyon chuckled and grabbed a match "Gladly". Henry put on the cakes candles lighting up separately, people gasping in amusement .

"Now go and enjoy yourselves." Lyon told everyone Alanna and Enola looked at each other.

Heading past the dancing couples two girls looked at Enola's dress "I believe I've seen that dress somewhere before." One of the girls said "Oh yes, last year." The girls giggled

Enola looked down at her dress realizing they were talking about her dress "I think it's charming, elegant" A blonde lady told Enola "I think you are kind." Enola said to the women walking away

Enola spotted out William talking to other "That's him. I'll be back." Enola told Alanna "Last time you told me that you didn't come back, so I'm coming with you." Alanna told the younger girl

"Gentlemen. Ma'am. Good evening." Enola greeted the adults "This is a wonderful occasion, is it not?" Enola questioned.

Everyone stared at her, when Alanna realized they didn't have a chaperone. "Enola." Alanna warned But Enola ignored her "I mean, that guests are just... delightful. And the orchestra is most tuneful. I was wondering if I might be able to speak to you, Mr. Lyon." Enola said

The group stopped what they were doing and William pointed at himself "Uh, have I said something wrong?" Enola asked looking at Alanna and she shook her head "Where is your chaperone?" The lady questioned

"Chaperone?" Enola questioned "My dear, you can hardly expect my son to talk to you unaccompanied." Mr Lyon said "I cannot talk to you without a chaperone? Well, she's here." Enola pointed to Alanna

"She must have a chaperone too. Where is yours?" Mr Lyon asked

"I am wedded sir. I am no debutant"Alanna told Mr Lyon.

"Well where is your husband?" Mr Lyon asked "Well he currently isn't her-" before Alanna could finish her sentence he cut her off "Unless there is proof of this husband, you must require a chaperone."

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