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-Diana's POV-

-A week later-

"Diana, are you still sure about this? I'm sure you have other plans for your Friday evening other-"

"Bella I promise it's fine, you two have fun. Me and Theo will have even more fun carving pumpkins." I smile at the door and Bella nods.

"Remember his bedtime is-"

"Ten thirty, I got it seriously." She laughs and nods walking down the driveway.

"We won't be back later than two am." She waves and I shut the door waving back. Floyd and Bella were talking the other day about how they never get out anymore so i convinced them to have a date night and I'd watch Theo. I told them that I'm looking for a place and they told me to stay, Bella said I should stay till I graduate then I can go to college and come back anytime I want. They really make sure I'm comfortable and I honestly am. I didn't expect to stay here this long already. I tried to give them money too for letting me stay and Floyd gave it back saying i don't have to pay anything that I am part of the family now.

It actually made me a bit emotional. The last week miss snow has been on my mind more and more and I keep coming up with excuses to not be around her. She's been a little odd the last few days or so, she's been moodier.

"Pumpkin time!" Theo runs out in his pyjamas and I laugh as we walk into the kitchen.

"I'll cut the top of the pumpkin and you can get the seeds out, deal?" I say and he nods jumping onto the counter. I walk around the counter picking up the knife and cutting the top off the pumpkin.

"So how's school?" I ask him.

"It's okay I guess, some kids are kinda mean in my class but it doesn't bother me too much." I look up at him and he shrugs.

"Do they say mean things to you?"

"Sometimes, they just call me annoying and ugly. I don't really care though."

"Theo, have you told your parents about it?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Mom and dad will just make a big deal out of it."

"It's a serious matter if they make you upset-"

"Can we stop talking about school and take out the pumpkin guts?" He interrupts me and I put down the knife and we start to look at pumpkin designs on Pinterest.

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I finish drawing the design onto the pumpkin and my hear my phone buzz so I walk over to the table where it was.

Did you hear about miss snow??

I head about her yes, I think she's my English teacher..

Shut up. Anyway supposedly she's a lesbian, everyones talking about her now. I knew she was too hot to be straight.

That's it? I thought you were gonna say she's an assassin or something.

With her temper...It wouldn't surprise me. Do you like her?

What? No. Why would you even think that???

I meant do you like her in general. But by that response, it explains a lot. Are you sleeping together? A teacher is totally a good look for you.

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