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The next morning I get ready, I change into a navy sweater and jeans with my black converse. I go to my bathroom and brush my hair before tying it but with a clamp, I brush my teeth and wash my face before going back to my room.

I sit down at my desk, opening the drawer. I take out my eyeliner, mascara, eyelash curler, concealer and highlighter. I put on some light makeup, I put on my usual pearl necklace before I hear Jane calling me. I stand up, grabbing my bag and phone then quickly walk out of my room and down the stairs to Jane.

"Yeah?" I say, walking into the kitchen and Jane looks back to me as she stands in front of the counter.

"I didn't have time to make breakfast and I really got to go to work, do you need money? You can get breakfast somewhere." Jane asks while grabbing her things.

"No thank you, I have money and I also have work straight after school." I say and she nods, quickly walking closer to me and kissing the side of my head before leaving the kitchen.

"I'll see you later, enjoy school." She adds and quickly walks out. I have two jobs, I work at a store in town on Mondays after school, sometimes Tuesday. I work as a bartender on Saturday nights from nine to one and sometimes on Fridays. Jane doesn't have a lot of money, she always offers me some but I refuse and say I have some even when I don't. I save most of my money so I can save up and move out, I love living with Jane but I'd prefer to live by myself in a small apartment with Sadie.

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I close my car door before dropping my keys...I pick them up, locking my car before I spot Charlie my best friend, aside from Sadie of course, waiting at the school entrance. I don't know how me and Charlie are friends, he's very different from me. He's outgoing, loud, popular, you could say since he's friends with everyone. I'm shy mostly and Charlie is my only friend really.

"Look who shows up! I've been waiting here since the start of Covid, god." He rolls his eyes and I roll my eyes too, nearly tripping up the step and he bursts out laughing, hitting my arm.

"Charlie, shush." I say and he keeps laughing loudly, I feel my face heating up from the embarrassment and half because I'm annoyed at him. I groan and walk past him up the steps to the school.

"Diana, wait!" He shouts and runs into the school after me, he wraps his hand around my shoulder and I ignore him. We start walking to our lockers before class started, I have math first. Great.

"Oh my god." I hear a screech. Me and Charlie look at each other. Ciara. Ciara is the 'popular girl' who everyone obsesses over. She's blonde, tall, blue eyes like me but she's  honestly perfect. In my opinion...she's the most annoying person I've ever met. I'm a nice person! Not at all judgy...But I cannot stand her.

"You two finally got together." She smiles at us and her friend Melody comes up beside her. Charlie's hand tightens around my shoulder and he starts kissing my cheek.

"It's that obvious? Aren't we just the cutest?" Charlie says and I laugh, pushing him away from me.

"Yeah totally! You are adorable together, I always thought there was something between you two." Ciara says. And I should mention, Charlie is gay....I'm not his type, he's not mine either. My type is complicated.

"Ciara, you are the biggest idiot ever." Melody rolls her eyes then looks at me.

"I don't believe we've bumped into each other in the year I've been here, Melody." Melody holds out her hand to me, Melody moved here last year. She's half Korean, she's very pretty. She has long brown hair, it looks really healthy, very shiny. Her eyes are a pretty kind of brown too.

nothing lasts forever{wlw, teacherxstudent}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora