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Chapter 12: Team Bonding

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They received the all-clear to take off at 1345; while they were in position long before that, relatively safe from Concordia's allies in the Southeast Sea, any air activity would risk flying directly into Concordia's firing range. Even after they were in the air, the pilots kept in constant communication with the base, altering their flight path as necessary.

The extended transit time did no favors for their group dynamics. Thankfully, the aircraft was slightly larger than the five-passenger plane Akira last rode, with enough space in the cabin to stand and stretch their legs. The team sat along the hull facing inwards in uneasy silence, separated by crates of their own equipment and emergency supplies. Akira was stuck between Danya and Quyen on the left side, feeling the latter's cold stare flying by her and landing on the former's napping figure.

On the right, Jivan made a point to rehash the highlights of the fight against Danya while somehow refusing to mention Danya by name. Elodie would respond with either neutral acknowledgements or attempted topic changes; between them, Navin would let out the occasional low hum, his face completely hidden behind his hair. While Akira had attempted to cut off the conversation early on, Danya had stopped her with a muttered "let 'em go" before crossing her arms and closing her eyes to "rest."

Since Akira already had experience on what a sleeping Danya really meant, she kept a subtle eye on her in case Danya decided to enact her revenge when her prey least expected it. Because of that, Akira immediately noticed when Danya shifted slightly, then reached for her left wrist. Akira was both surprised and relieved that Danya merely took out her phone, then grew curious when Danya began to type something.

We have a stowaway, Danya typed, her fingers moving slower than Akira expected. Aft loading door, hiding in the cargo.

Akira tensed, then lifted her gaze. Danya's eyes were already on her, her stoic expression not indicating any lies or ill intentions. Of course, that could just be an act, and Danya was planning on using the distraction to hijack the plane. But if she was telling the truth, they had a traitor onboard, and they were taking them right to their secrets.

Both scenarios were equally likely, and she glanced to the back of the plane as if she could see the truth for herself. Unfortunately, all she saw were the stacks of crates clustered along the center of the cabin. Even her earpiece's infrared display failed to provide results, unable to see through the boxes' thick plastic frames.

The decision was in Akira's hands, and while she was hesitant to trust her instincts after the events of the last few days, she couldn't bring herself to ignore them either.

So she gave Danya a small nod before slowly getting to her feet, stretching.

The action caught the rest of the team's eyes, but Jivan quickly retrieved their neighbors' attentions, probably as soon as they realized it wasn't Danya that had moved. In contrast, Quyen continued to watch Akira carefully, not being fooled by Akira's half-hearted shoulder rotations.

"I need to walk around a bit," Akira said, but she brought a hand down and tapped the handgun at her belt, then nodded toward the back of the plane. "These seats aren't exactly first class."

Quyen's nod was quick and sharp.

"I'll join you," she said as she stood, then glanced at the rest of their team.

While Jivan rambled about getting to fire Izzy's "stun shotgun" and Elodie tried and failed to keep their voice down, Navin was now staring at Akira, his hair partially brushed away from his sharp eyes.

After a moment of thought, Akira turned back to Danya. When Akira held out a hand in a silent order to stay put, she expected at least some form of resistance; instead, Danya shrugged and crossed her arms before promptly resuming her fake nap. It was good enough of a reaction for Akira, so after she mouthed "watch her" to Navin, who nodded ever so slightly in confirmation, she and Quyen headed to the back.

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