Ch 6 - Dangerous Streets

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"Marinette, it's getting late. We shouldn't have stopped at that store."

"I know, Tikki, you're right. But that fabric sale was just too good to pass up! I had no idea that there was such a nice craft store in Gotham's downtown shopping district."

"Guardian, perhaps it would be wise to transform and teleport to the apartment?" Kaalki suggested.

" might be right, Kaalki. I don't like using the miraculous for personal reasons, but I'd rather play it safe after what happened with the Joker this morning. Let's find an empty alley to transform in."

"Uhm, Marinette," Tikki whispered. "There's a large man walking behind you who has been acting suspicious for the past 5 minutes. I think he's following you."

"Are you sure?" Marinette discreetly glanced at the people on the crowded street.

The streetlights above them flicked in the dark sky.

"Yes, and he's been staring at you every time you aren't looking in his direction."

"We'll just have to shake him off our trail before we transform." Marinette quickened the pace of her steps. When she reached an intersection of the main street and a side street, she took a sharp right turn and broke out into a sprint. Blood and adrenaline pulsed through her veins.

"He's chasing after us!"

"I see him, Tikki!" Marinette raced towards a red brick building. Her heavy backpack, filled with books and discounted fabric from the store, thumped against her back. She leapt onto the lid of the dumpster that pressed against the wall. After another jump, she grabbed the lowest metal bar of the fire escape. She climbed.

It had been years since Marinette had done parkour without the strength and agility of a miraculous suit. She almost slipped as her leg swung up to the roof, but she caught herself just in time. After she steadied herself, Marinette looked down over the edge of the roof.

The large-set man stood on the ground below shouting a string of profanities.

Marinette gave him a smile and a flipped finger.

"Damn, sunshine. I wasn't expecting that."

Marinette screamed and almost fell.

Red Hood grabbed the strap of her backpack and yanked her away from the edge. Her face landed in the center of his chest. "Woah there, sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

"Red Hood?" Marinette looked up at the red helmet that covered his face. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm just out patrolling. Crime and violence never take an evening off. Actually, I thought that I was going to need to step in a few seconds ago, but you handled that situation pretty well by yourself. You're lucky that he didn't have a gun." Red Hood held her arms and helped her stand up on the roof. "So, what are you even doing out on these dark streets?"

"Ah, well, I was on my way back from school, but I got distracted by a store in Gotham's downtown shopping district and lost track of time..."

"It's dangerous to walk alone in Gotham at night. These streets aren't exactly known for saints and good Samaritans. Hell, there's literally an 'adult fun-time club' down the street." Red Hood jabbed his thumb in the direction of a sickly bright neon sign.

"Oui, I'll remember to go straight home tomorrow." Marinette awkwardly shuffled her feet.

"Good," said Red Hood. He bowed from the waist and presented the palm of his gloved hand. "Now, if my fair lady would allow it, this devilishly handsome vigilante would like to accompany you back to your apartment."

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