Ch 3 - Welcome to the City of Crime

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Stephanie was right. Gotham was a city of danger and madness.

Gotham's villains wore outfits that were just as hideous as those worn by the akumatized victims of Paris. The streets thrived with crime. Pickpockets and thieves were as common as rats on the streets. Rampaging psychopathic and homicidal maniacs who bombed buildings while taking innocent bystanders hostage was just an average Monday.

Marinette ducked behind a pickup truck as a wave of gunfire assaulted the street. Glass windows shattered. Metal bullets popped rubber tires and lodged into the sides of vehicles.

Marinette held her arms over her head and covered her ears. Her head ached from the noise. She was accustomed to the sound of screaming and fleeing civilians, but she wasn't used to the rapid 'BANG BANG BANG' of the triggered firearms...or the whimpers of the wounded lying on the concrete.

The street was too crowded. She couldn't leave her spot behind the truck without the risk of being shot. There was nowhere for her to transform.

It was rare for the villains of Paris to be this bloody violent.

And since she couldn't transform, there wouldn't be a miraculous cure to fix the death and damage caused by this attack.

Dang it, dang it, dang it.

"Well, well, well. Who do we have hiding over here?" The Joker's elbow leaned against the hood of the truck. "Ain't you a pretty little thing."

The sound of the pelting bullets quieted.

Dang it.

Rough hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her to stand up. Marinette whipped her head back and saw several of Joker's goons wearing black fedora hats, dark sunglasses, and indigo colored leather jackets.

"How 'bout you give me a biggggg smile doll?"

The harsh click of a loaded gun sounded behind Marinette. Her back instinctively arched as the end of the hard barrel pressed against her spine.

Marinette took in a breath. She could play the Joker's game. It was just like talking to an akumatized victim.

"Excuse me, Monsieur, but I do not see anything here that would make me smile." Marinette forced a sad pout on her lips.

The Joker raised a thin, barely visible eyebrow. It was obvious that he had expected her to be grinning like a drunk monkey by now.

"Aww, ya don't? Well then, you'll just have to stick around 'til the bats get here. That always puts a smile on my face."

"True," said Marinette, "seeing Batman kick your pale tattooed butt will most definitely make me smile."

"Ain't you funny," the Joker's voice barked over his tense laughter. His eyes stared over her body, studying her. "You're interesting."

Marinette forced herself to not tremble. She couldn't risk showing the slightest hint of fear.

"Bobbie, tie her up in the back of the car," Joker said as he commanded his henchmen. "Bats be taken too long. Let's cure my boredom with some good ol' drive by shooting."

"So you shoot people because you're bored?" Marinette shook her head sadly. "Monsieur clown-face, you need a hobby."

The Joker leaned forward. His forehead was inches away from her own. "You wanna help me find a new hobby back at my place?"

Marinette gulped.

The Joker cackled.

"I'm sure that we could find you a nice quiet little hobby back in Arkham Asylum." Nightwing's foot smashed into the Joker's jawline.

Gotham's Lucky Charm (Daminette)Where stories live. Discover now