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Thought or think

'Mumbled or whisper'

*movement or action*

<digital or robot voice>

Y/N: phew! Finally made it, good thing I don't get fatigue since I'm honkai beast... Machine something.

When Y/N eventually reaches the wall, he turns to face the spectacular view of a city. Just like in the comic-no, I mean manga-the city has a sci-fi motif going on here, but not really; it simply has neon lights, cool motorbike designs, and high-tech looking computers.

The rest of it is just like any other typical city light seen in anime, but for Y/N, it's a total dream. Being a Husk Nihilius, he was taken to a world from his favorite video game and has access to cool and strong weaponry. It is a dream that you really don't want to end, however...

He felt off and opened and closed the palm of his right hand, as if he were forgetting something. He doesn't often forget things from when he was a human, so it's weird for him to have this feeling of something, and he keeps wondering what it was. Until...

Y/N: oh right! The oath of Judah!

He turns back at the other side of the wall and looked under it, Turns out He forgot to carry his Judah, right now is on the ground beside with the wall with spears impaled to the wall, he shakes his head then scratches his chin.

Y/N: now how to bring you here? Maybe doing this?

He stretches his left arm and desummons the Judah, as he did that the spears fellow up and desummons aswell. He then summons it but now it's now beside him with his left holding the head of Judah. Y/N is pleased this and desummons it again.

Y/N: it's a good thing I can call it out, that means it can't be stolen whatsoever. Now, where was I? Ah right.

He turns around see the view of the city and then looks at the ground, the wall on the otherside, is a very long slope, which Y/N, gives a disgusted face its hard to imagine of a Husk Nihilius having a disgusted face but yeah that's a thing if it's Y/N.

Y/N: this is the most garbage design of a wall I a have ever seen.

He has not seen a wall that is so foolish that he believes that not even Trump would want to have this as a wall, and he says this with a repulsed expression and a terrified voice. This wall's exterior is entirely flat, yet its other side gradually curves in the opposite direction, generating a slope that resembles the tallest skateboard ramp. Y/N dismisses that idea and begins to descend the ramp wall. Once he has safely descended, he looks at the wall and ponders.

Y/N: getting in is easy. Waaay to easy, I feel like this will bite me back somehow... Meh whatever.

When his finally in the city, it's quite a beautiful city, though he can't enjoy it since he is a threat to humanity. So with out wasting time he quickly skates around the nooks and crannies of the alleyways just so that he can't be caught that easily, or so he thought.

Meanwhile in the base.

Her hair is up, her eyes were dark purple, and she was wearing glasses. sporting a black skirt, black heels, a white bow in her hair, and a white lab coat. Dr. Mei is extremely serious, cold-blooded, soulless, and ruthless-but only toward her employees. She was interested to learn that is here researching the recently discovered honkai beast for a classified file named [golden reaper.]

Dr Mei pov

Even though I described it as a somewhat mutant honkai beast, I'm starting to believe that it may have consciousness because if it didn't, it wouldn't avoid human contact. I sent some scouts to find it, or at least spot it, in order to take a picture of it, but it seems to be avoiding us the entire time, and it only seems to be active at night. However, we were able to gather some brief but vivid descriptions from the refugees, which is why I'm confused. Why is it helping us? They are supposed to be enemies of humanity.

I'm a Husk! in Honkai Impact!Where stories live. Discover now