First Mission

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Five years later

Percy had trouble accepting the fact that he was a demigod but he got over it pretty quick, Hades had asked Percy if he could adopt him to which Percy hesitantly agreed, he was begging for a new start and this was his perfect opportunity for it no matter how crazy it seemed he had decent parents. The closest he had got to a dad was Hades, he would be busy but always made time for his training. Hades wife, Persephone, had grudgingly accepted the child into the family, her cold heart soon started warming up as the warm feeling of care and love for the innocent child grew. She soon bestowed him her blessings giving him little control over a few natural elements.

Demeter, the mother of Persephone and sister of Hades was delighted to have a grandson and pampered Percy. She also blessed him to have an unlimited supply of cereal and milk that he could carry wherever he went.

Percy too had changed a lot, he was no longer the scrawny 10 year old Hades had found 5 years ago. He had become quite a warrior, he stood at 6feet 2 and was muscled though not like a body builder but like a swimmer. His body was made for speed and strength.

He was currently dueling Theseus and the original Perseus, yes becoming a son of Hades had its perks he got to train with the heroes of the old. He was fighting them 2 vs 1 because he could beat them one on one. 

Percy was trained to wield all weapons but his favored were his two dual wield swords, throwing knifes and bows he exceled these skills and was most comfortable with them. On his 14th birthday Hades was so happy with his performance that he had gifted Percy a crown declaring him the king of ghosts and heir to the underworld throne.

Percy had bonded well with his parents but was more closer to his mother for obvious reasons. He had known of his biological father but hated him for what he had done to his mother. Percy wouldn't hesitate to Hades his father even for a heartbeat.

Percy's eyes too had changed, his right eye was pure black while the other had the same sea green eyes he had earlier. How he hated that color. This eye combination made him look weird but hella scary when he was angry. To cover the left eye Percy wore a mask which covered left his eye hiding away all his facial features except his right eye. No he wasn't blind, he could feel the shadow of a person and react without even using his eyes. He got so skilled with feeling the shadows that he had defeated Perseus with a blindfold on, His father too was shocked at his skill but felt proud of him. 

Now he was heading towards the underworld throne room, where he was summoned by his father. He pushed open the doors and walked in and calmly addressed his father," Father you called ? " Hades turned to look at him and a smile crept onto his face while Persephone rushed to her son and hugged him tightly which he returned back smiling from ear to ear." Hello mother why did you call me here "Persephone looked at Hades and nodded "Percy I want you to rescue your siblings and bring them here" Percy had heard of his siblings  and was looking forward to meet them" Yes Father I will not fail you when do I leave" he said confidently." I do not doubt that but refrain from killing the campers that are sent to 'rescue' ,them one of them is a son of Poseidon" Hades stated. "I understand Father" Percy replied," As for when you are leaving, you will be leaving in two minutes. Get Ready" Hades continued. Percy simply nodded

A Few Moment's Later

Percy was atop a tree branch sitting calmly as he watched the scene unfold and a few moments later two girls and a boy were chasing after the manticore who had taken his siblings hostage. Percy was yet to reveal himself when he felt a huge group approach the location. So Percy decided to wait longer. The boy was hit with spikes even before he realized what was happening he was knocked out on the ground. One of the girls put on a invisibility had whereas the other pulled out a shield in front of her. The manticore moved towards the edge with is siblings and was holding down the girls when a hunting horn sounded.

The hunters of Artemis have arrived.

The manticore looked pale in shock as a female voice asked" Permission to kill Milady ?" The manticore then lurched back as if something was pulling against it and Nico and Bianca ran free from his grasp but the invisible girl wasn't so lucky, before she got to safety she was grabbed by the manticore who pulled the cap she was wearing making her visible again. Artemis started speaking "Permission gr---" before she was disturbed by a roar of pain. Turning her attention to the manticore she saw a black throwing knife in his arm.

Artemis POV

I saw a black throwing knife that did not belong to the hunt in the arm of the manticore, the knife was followed by more which were stabbed in the head before the manticore dissolved into golden dust. 

She looked around to find who had thrown the knifes when a figure appeared. He wore a mask leaving only one eye which was in view. The shadows were trying hard to get to him. He was heavily armed with a bow slung around his back as well as two swords we hanging from his back. Overall he looked intimidating. He walked over to two of the demigod and conversed with then before they nodded and stood behind him. I got out of my shock and asked" Who are you ? and why are you here ? " He bowed before me before speaking " I am Perseus Jackson and I am here to guide my siblings to their father " Even though he was polite I was not satisfied " Who's your godly parent " "Hades" he said without hesitation. 

Third Person POV

Before Artemis could continue the boy who was knocked down during the fight pointed his sword at Perseus's neck and growled "How dare you interrupt a quest from Olympus " Perseus looked at the sword and back at the boy," Lower your weapon, we are in the presence of a goddess" when the boy didn't Percy sighed and rolled under blade and grabbed his head and smashed it into his knee before breaking the arm in which the boy was holding his sword and kicked him into a nearby tree. Percy faced Artemis again and said " I will come to Olympus with you but my siblings do not even know who they are and i will not endanger them even if the cost is my life" Artemis was first shocked at his selflessness for a male but thought about his words before nodding "Fine"

How is the story so far I hope you guys like it

Thank you for reading and i will be looking forward to updating more frequently 

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