Chapter 29

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Another week and a half has gone by since Grey promised me that she would tell me about where she goes when she checks out. It's kind of scary when it happens even though it's been happening less and less. She always has this look in her big blue eyes that says she's lost or scared or sad and it terrifies me. She promised she'd tell me though so I'm not going to rush her. However, she is leaving for winter break once her finals are over this week, which is in two days. She says she won't be gone the whole time that she'll probably only stay for a little over a week but even that is too long. I can't imagine what I would do if she stayed away for the whole 5 weeks. I feel anxious just thinking about it.

I've been helping her study for her finals all weekend and I know she's gonna kick ass. She's fucking brilliant. She's going to make an amazing doctor one day and save tons of lives. I'm sitting in my apartment thinking about her and how she's doing on the last of her finals today when she texts me.

Grey: All done : )

Me: How'd it go?

Grey: Pretty good I think.

Me: Yea right. You kicked ass and you know it. No need to be modest ; )

Grey: Ok maybe you're right : )

I can picture her face at the moment and how she is probably blushing and smiling shyly. I smile just thinking about how cute she is.

Grey: Since I'm done for the day would you like to come over and hang out while I pack?

Hunter: Of course. Be there in 15 minutes

Grey: Can't wait : )

I smile as I slip my phone into my pocket and grab my coat. I can't wait to see her either. I met her for breakfast this morning so it's only been a few hours since I've seen her but I still missed her. If that made me a fucking pussy I didn't care. Any guy who got to know Grey would understand.

"How does it feel to be done?" I ask her when she opens the door to let me in.

"Like freedom" she sighs tiredly. "I don't have to study anything for the next month which is probably a good thing because I think my eyes might fall out of my head I tried to read anything right now."

"Well I'll make sure to keep you away from books than" I say chuckling. "How's packing going?" I ask as she leads me to her room.

"Great" she deadpans. "I hate packing."

"I know you do" I say chuckling again.

"Have you decided whether or not you are going to go home yet?" she asks. I told her about my mother inviting me home for Christmas and Grey seemed all for the idea as long as I was okay with going. She was supportive but not pushy. I liked that. I think she could tell that I was estranged from my parents so that's why she didn't push the issue. Grey had a way of understanding things about me nobody else did.

"I'm not going" I tell her. I had made this decision a while ago but didn't tell her. I also hadn't told my mother yet. I'd need to call her and let her know later.

"What are you going to do on Christmas?" she asks me and I can tell that the thought of me spending Christmas alone in my apartment is killing her.

"I'm actually going to go to Daniel's cousin's house again." He invited me about a week ago before I even told him that I wasn't going home for Christmas. He said his aunt and uncle asked what I was doing and that if I wasn't going home than they wanted me to come there. They were really great people.

"Oh good" she sighs relieved.

In a normal situation people would probably wonder why Grey hasn't invited me back to her hometown but the truth is this isn't a normal situation. I wouldn't want Grey to take me there anymore than she would. It's clear that Grey has issues concerning her hometown and besides we still aren't officially together. Of course I don't want to be away from her but I would never guilt her into taking me with her because if I think it came down to it she would take me with her so I wouldn't be alone. She was just that kind of a person.

"Yep so you don't need to worry about me" I tell her as I nudge her playfully. She rolls her eyes at me but doesn't say anything because she knows I'm right.

"Ugh I don't want to go" she groans as she places more clothes into her suitcase. "I wish I could just stay here but my mom would kill me."

"Oh come on it won't be that bad" I say trying to make her feel better even though I don't want to let her go. I really want to tell her to stay here with me.

"I know" she sighs. "I just don't want to leave you" she adds quietly. So quietly that I think maybe I imagined it but I know I didn't. She said it.

I pull her to me without saying a word and I wrap my arms around her. She in turn wraps her small arms around my waist and clings to me as she rests her head against my heart. I rub her back soothingly and kiss the top of her head. God, I don't want her to go. Even if it is only for a little over a week. I'm gonna miss her so much.

"I'll be here when you get back" I whisper in her hair and then I pull away from her so I can look into her eyes. "I promise."

She looks back at me and her blue eyes look sad. "Don't make promises you can't keep" she says quietly.

"Never" I vow. Looking at her I know she's not afraid that she'll leave and find me gone from this town but that she'll leave and I'll be gone forever. I think of her tattoo and how she has obviously lost someone close to her. I want her to know that I'll do whatever it takes to never leave her in that way or at least not for many years from now.

She doesn't say anything she just reaches up on her tip toes and kisses me softly. I kiss her back and we get lost in one another and eventually Grey gives up on packing and gives into me.

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