Chapter 26

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I wake the next morning and I smile when I realize I'm not screaming or gasping for air. I only woke up once last night and it wasn't that bad because it didn't even wake Hunter. He was peacefully asleep with his arms around me and once I saw that he was here I was able to fall asleep again easily. I look at the clock and I see that it is 7 am and I smile. I'm beginning to like this whole sleeping in past 5. It was a nice change of pace.

I roll over in Hunter's arms to face him and he's still sleeping. I watch him for a while and right now while he's asleep he almost looks like he's years younger than he is. He isn't wearing that brooding tortured expression right now. Right now he looks peaceful. I like seeing him like this. I lean forward and press a light kiss to his lips and when I pull back I see them twitch and a moment later his eyes flutter open.

"Hmm I could get used to waking up like this" he says as he smiles sleepily at me.

"Morning" I say smiling back. "How'd you sleep?" I ask.

He looks thoughtful for a moment and then quick flash of surprise flashes across his face but then disappears. "Peacefully" he says like he's surprised by the idea. "What about you?" he asks. I hear the hidden question. Any nightmares? I feel slightly at ease that I didn't wake him last night from the one nightmare I remember having. I'm getting better. He makes me better.

"I slept great" I tell him. "I always do when I'm with you" I add quietly unsure if that is something I should admit aloud.

He doesn't say anything. He simply leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back not even caring about the fact that we both have morning breath. I pull him to me deepening the kiss. I think he meant for this to be a tender and sweet moment but I want more. He hesitates for only a second before he slips his tongue into my mouth and I welcome it happily. His one hand moves to my hip and the other tangles in my hair at the back of my neck. I let out a small moan when he kneads my hip with his strong hand and it only seems to urge him further. He kisses me more aggressively and his hand begins to move up my body and under my shirt. I'm vaguely aware that I'm not wearing a bra but I don't care. I want him to touch me.

His hand moves slowly up my body and I tremble. He lets out a low growl as I do and I guess he likes that he can make my body do that. When he reaches my breast I moan again as he touches them. It's been so long since I've been touched like this. It feels incredible. I never thought I'd feel this way with anyone ever again and yet here I am. His lips move down to my neck and his warm breath sets my skin on fire but in the most amazing way. Heat pools in the lower half of my body as my need for him grows. I don't think I'm ready for that though so I decide to distract myself by yanking his shirt off so I can touch his amazing body again.

His body is a work of art. All of his muscles are taut as he holds himself over me. I run my fingers over his arms and shoulders, enjoying the feel of his hard muscles under my small hands. He feels so strong and formidable like nothing could ever hurt him but then I look at his scars and I know differently. Something did hurt him. I pull him to me again and crash into his lips with my own. It's like I can't get close enough. I want to heal every wound that he has ever had. I want to make him whole again and this is the only way I know how.

As his hands explore my body I feel his fingertips brush against the scar on my right side and I shudder for a moment. I think he can tell I didn't shudder from the pleasure of his touch because he pulls back his blue eyes searching mine.

"Are you okay?" he asks and his voice comes out low and husky. It's sexy as hell. I realize I am ok and that I want him to see how alike we really are. I run my hand along his scar again.

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