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Sophia's POV

I tossed and turned on the bed until I bumped into something hard.

My eyes immediately shot open as I remembered I slept next to Hunter last night.

He was still fast asleep on his stomach and the pillows I put in place last night were by our feet.

I watched him with concern. It didn't look like he moved one inch since yesterday. How did he manage to sleep for so long?

Slowly, I pushed out my hand to his head to see if he still had a fever but then he started waking up.

I quickly put back the pillows between us and pretended to be asleep.

He tossed a bit before I sensed he was finally waking up.

"Shit..." he mumbled.

I opened my eyes and slowly got up.

He was watching me while looking very disoriented.

"I found you here yesterday and I didn't want to wake you," I tried explaining.

He nodded before sitting up.

My eyes slowly moved to where his hands were positioned next to him on the bed. A core dream that I didn't want to remember suddenly popped up.

He grabbed my hands and intertwined them with his above my head as he picked up the pace.

I quickly jumped out of bed and he watched me looking very disturbed.

"Uh, I need to go to the bathroom," I announced while awkwardly running away.

Why would I need to broadcast that to him? He doesn't care if I pee or not.

I looked around in the bathroom for a minute or two before I flushed the toilet and walked out.

When I did, Hunter had moved from the bed to the couch.

I handed him the bag with the medicine.

"What's this?" He asked as he looked into the bag.

"They were on sale so I figured I'd just get them. You can pay me back the money," I said in my coldest tone.

"Thanks," he said before opening the container and drinking down two of the pills with water.

I scratched my hair. "You should probably eat something. I don't know if you want to join me."

He leaned back and started looking amused. "Are you inviting me to have breakfast with you?"

"No and yes."

We both got ready promptly and went to a restaurant across from the hotel.  Our meals didn't take long to come.

I wore denim jeans pants, a blue crop top styled with a high messy bun, and as usual; Hunter wore a suit.

"Santoro emailed me the contract," he said as he looked at his phone.

"Oh," I drily said while sipping my coffee.

I missed our talks.

"I'm going to check the bookstore in town. You should come."

"Are you sure?" I asked. Maybe the pills I gave him weren't good and they were making him high.

He nodded. "Yeah? You said you were going anyway so why not go together?"

"Because we don't like each other."

"We're eating together right now. Plus remember we have that apologizing bet."

I thought about it some more before nodding. "You're right. We should go."

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