The Interview

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Sophia's POV

Hunter and I sat in an interview as a reporter with cameramen recorded us.

"We aren't sure what the source is as yet but I guarantee you that Mr. Lodge and I will find it before it begins to affect any of our valued customers," I ended.

She nodded before writing down notes from my speech. "Great. May we move on to your personal lives?"

I hesitated for a bit. Did I want to go there? I mean, I did with a few other reporters and they only asked about my hobbies outside of work. Therefore, I nodded.

She turned her head to Hunter. "Mr. Lodge, your father, Mr. Lodge Senior, where is he now since your big lawsuit?"

I could see Hunter tensing in my peripheral vision. "No comment."

She gave a spiteful look before moving on. "I can't help but notice that you aren't sitting close to your wife. I don't know if you've heard, but rumors are spreading that you two have taken some time apart."

I froze.

However, Hunter wasn't one bit bothered. He handled the situation way better than I could.

"Ms. Caleb, forgive me if I'm wrong but do you like it when your partner is breathing down your neck every second and being a nuisance? I bet not."

"I doubt that I look like the type of man who is constantly jammed to his wife that she can't even breath."

"So please don't think me not sitting close to my beautiful wife equals us being separated."

Everyone in the room was speechless, including me. Hunter was always a man of few words on camera.

The woman looked nervous before she opened her mouth again. "Then...prove it."

"Lyla!" the cameraman shouted indicating for her to stop.

I heard Hunter scoff before leaning over to me.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"Just follow my lead," he whispered back before crashing his lips on mine.

At first, he started with slow pecks on my lips. Gradually, his soft, warm lips stayed longer on mine as I began to kiss back. I could feel the heat radiating off him.

He hadn't done this to me in such a long time that I'd forgotten how it felt to be kissed by him or anyone for a matter of fact.

I hadn't even realized that my eyes closed because I was so caught up. Eventually, his tongue touched my lips, begging for me a pathway in and I immediately granted access.

I wanted more.

I immediately started going faster and he followed along with me, speeding up the pace.

"Okay, let's keep it PG guys. Kids will be watching this."

As soon as I heard that reporter's voice, I immediately pulled back. What the hell did I think I was doing?

When I pulled back, the both of us were panting for air as we looked into each other's eyes.

Hunter looked at me with hunger as if he wanted more too.

I quickly looked back to the crew. They were all in shock. They were dramatic, it was just a kiss.

"See, we weren't lying," I heard Hunter say.

She stood up with a satisfied look on her face, "the viewers are gonna love this. Pack up guys, I think we have everything we need."

I sat down in the same chair and stared at the floor in complete shame until the crew finally left.

After they were gone, Hunter immediately plopped down on one of his chairs with a sigh. He picked up his phone and then started scrolling.

He was acting as if we didn't just make out on a video that will be shown to millions of people.

I immediately marched up to him, "What the hell was that?"

He ignored me as he continued doing whatever he was doing on his phone.

I clapped him on the shoulders but not too hard to hurt him.

His face suddenly turned red before he stood up to tower over my frame. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

I became scared, "what?"

"You wanted people to think that we're still together so I did what you wanted!"


"But nothing, Sophia! That kiss meant nothing and I hated every second of it."

I felt a sharp pain in my chest right then and there. It would be like someone punching me there or like a basketball accidentally hitting me.

The only thing is that it wasn't some tangible thing such as punches or basketballs; it was Hunter's words.

"Okay," I simply said before picking up my bag and then walking out.


I walked into the coffee shop and waited until it was my turn.

"Next!" The cashier shouted and then widened her eyes when she saw it was me. "What-what can I get you, ma'am?"

"I'll have an iced coffee."

"That will be five dollars, ma'am."

I nodded before looking in my bag for my purse. However, it wasn't in there. I probably forgot it home.

Thankfully, I saw my quiet bodyguard start to pull out his wallet but it was too late someone pushed his credit to the cashier.

I quickly turned to see the man giving the cashier his card. I hadn't seen him before.

"You don't have to."

"It's fine," he said before turning back to the cashier. "Just add the money with my order."

I waited with my coffee until the man received everything he ordered.

"Sir, please let me repay you."

"Are you kidding me? Now, I can finally have a story to boast about to my friends. Hey guys, you aren't gonna believe it. I paid for Sophia Lodge's coffee today."

I laughed as he pushed out his hand for a handshake. "Keith Spencer."

I shook his hand. "Nice meeting you Keith Spencer. Sophia Lodge."

He laughed and I facepalmed myself. "Which you already knew."

"You can just call me Keith, ma'am. You don't have to add Spencer at the end."

"And you can just call me Sophia; you can't have to add ma'am at the end."

We laughed some more as we slipped coffees. I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked.

He wasn't hot or sexy but he was definitely cute. He wore round-shaped glasses and his hair was ginger.

He wore ripped jeans with a casual orange shirt.

He was the epitome of contrast from Hunter.

And most importantly, he was nice to me.

Maybe he was what I needed. Moya did say I should get a rebound.

"Mr. Spencer- I mean Keith, do you have a business card?"

I could see him blush and I raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not some fancy CEO, I work at the bank across the road so no, I do not have a business card."

I nodded. Maybe he wasn't interested. I mean in his eyes, I was a married woman.

"But I do have a phone number."

I smiled before handing him my phone.

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