Chapter 16: Jealousy is Dangerous

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*At the party*

"Be a good girl Angel, don't get into trouble and don't eat to much candy." I said as I kissed her cheek, "Don't worry Melody your sister is in good hands."

Said the very sweet, yet kinda creepy Ms.sindel. "Thank you ma'am ill be back to pick her up no later than 10, if there are any problems call me." With a small wave goodbye, I looked back at my sister who looked happy to be there. But I couldn't help but worry, I guess you could say its motherly instincts. Anyways ignoring grandpa's calls to me, I walked next door to the party, thank god the cop car was parked further away from the house. The last thing I needed was someone blaming me for bringing the cops here. When I walked through the door, the house was crowded with teenagers drinking, dancing, and making out in the corner. Soon Enough I found Juliet dressed as a blood (kinda skanky) zombie nurse, with her date who was dressed like the grim reaper,And Eddie who was dressed as frankenstine. "Hey glad you made it! Nice costume Melody" he said with a wink. I just shrugged and went to get a drink with Julet. For a while the four us danced, and while the three of drank liquor I decided to stay sober and drink can after can of soda. But while I was having a somewhat good time, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. A part of me was annoyed at the thought of it may being grandpa and the sheriff. But another part of me slightly and I mean slightly! Hoped it was Michael.

"Melody!! Hello earth to Melody!!" said Juliet snapping me out of my dase. "What's up?" I asked.

"Me and my friend are going for a walk outside. Are you gonna be alright by yourself?" she asked in a drunken voice.

But before I could answer her, Eddie wrapped an arm around me and said "She'll be with me, dont worry".

Juliet just giggled ans headed outside, leaving me alone with a guy I felt nothing for.


Michael gripped his kinife so tight that his hand and knuckles began to hurt.

He couldn't stand seeing Melody with another guy, even if she looked like she wasn't enjoying his company very much.He was so pissed that he decided to take out his rage out ,on a drunk couple who was heading into the nearby corn feild. Michael waited till they were deep enough to walk in himself. He was disgusted when he heard the sound of lips smacking and loud pleasurable moans. Deciding that just a quick stab wouldn't satisfy his needs, Michael looked around for a nearby weapon. His eyes practically shined with delight when he saw a nearby tractor!

He quickly walked over to it and admired its long, sharp, rusty blades. He climbed into the seat and started it up. Once it was fully in motion, Michael started to steer his way twards his unexpecting pray! When he was only about two feet away from them, Michael pushed down onto the gas pedal and watched the bodies get slashed to bits.

Hearing the screams of torcher and fear was music to hia ears, and watching the blades slice through the flesh and bone was pure bliss! When the kill was finally finished, Michael looked back and smirked. All that was left was a big bloody pile of fleash in a rundown cornfeild. Just when he was satisfied with his job well done. He heard Melody's angry vocie nearby! He couldn't believe what he saw, that Frankenstein guy was practically dragging her by the arm twards a barn that seemed to be falling apart.

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