Chapter 9

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Yoongi nodded awkwardly. It was nothing wrong in having a drink but he didn't know why he was feeling anxious and jittery.

She walked in casually and he followed upto the sofa. She ran into the kitchen, bringing two wine glasses and some savouries. She placed them on the table and sat on the carpet.

"If you are thinking that I'll serve you, then you're so wrong," she chuckled and he rolled his eyes like a chariot wheels.

He sat infront of her, the table seperating them. She poured herself a glass and passed the bottle to her. Both had their backs pressed against the sofa.

"Jieun and Taejoon are marrying," she added.

"I know, they loved each other since forever. They knew they were soulmates even before they had their marks decolourized," he responded, taking a sip of the wine.

"Yeah. The bachelors party is next week. Are you going?"

"I am thinking of going. He called quite a few times."

"Duh! You're so boring Boongi. Who the fuck misses the bachelors party of their childhood friends?!" She grunted, taking a bite of the grilled pork.

He shrugged, "I have priorities."

"Aera is coming too."

He raised a brow, "So?"

"Oh come on. You had a crush on her since mid school. Nothing escapes my hawk eyes," she smirked.

"Please. Not any crush!"

"There's nothing wrong with having a crush! Why do you always get embarassed. She is beautiful though. Why don't you get your mark touched. Maybe you win the lottery?"

"You're beautiful too," he blubbered and his heart raced on what words escaped his mouth. He quickly drank another sip.

She was dumbfounded, looking at him in incredulity. There was a subtle seriousness by which he spoke the words and that made it so awkward.

"Did... Did you just say that I am beautiful?"


"Wait wait wait. I'll record it, speak it again," she said enthusiastically opening her phone but he stood up a little snatching it from her hands.

"I intended on saying that looks doesn't matter when you're finding a soulmate. You may be beautiful, but that doesn't make you less of a dork!" He clarified.

She smirked, "Nevertheless, you said that I am beautiful."

"Just shut it. Irritating dumbass."

She laughed heartily, "Come on. Let's go to the party. You can give me a ride."

"Are you persuading me just because you want a driver?"

"Maybe. Oops?" She snorted, passing the plate to his side so he could have some.

He ate a little and his tastebuds were bombarded by flavour. "This is so good. Where'd you got this from?"

"My magical hands made this. Learn to appreciate, kitty," she hissed.

He looked away, his eyes landing on certain sheets lying on the sofa. Adoption papers?

"What's this?" He questioned.

"I am thinking of adopting a baby," she replied shortly.


She nodded, taking another sip of the second glass she poured herself. "Ahh... It'll be good. That child can get a better life with me. I can give it all the love," she sighed heavily.

"That's illogical. You aren't married. How are you gonna manage-"

"I'm never gonna marry," she sighed, her head dropping back on the sofa and her eyes filling up with tears. She glanced at the ceiling in an attempt to forbid her tears from falling.

"I wanted to be pregnant. Experience each phase of it. Giving birth to a life. Be more than a human... Be someone's human. A mother. A wife. A girlfriend. But I think you were right, maybe I just don't deserve it." She closed her eyes, feeling the water fall down her cheeks.

Yoongi was pained. He wished he could take back his words but they were out in this world.

"No no no. I am a jerk. I didn't even mean that. I didn't even know what I was saying. You deserve it. Everyone does. Just stop thinking -"

"It's not a lie Yoongi. It's the truth of my life. And I have to accept it sooner or later," she smiled out of immense heartbreak.

"Stop smiling!" He snapped.


"You don't have to pretend to be fine!"

"Then how am I supposed to live?" She questioned in a soft tone, raising the little hair on the back of his neck.

"If there was someone who was ready to accept my love. I would have tattooed my initials to his wrist and had that mark go through a plastic surgery," she joked and chuckled. "Tattoos are painful though."

"Yeah... And what about that fate?" He responded with a sigh.

She became silent. Obviously, she was just joking in this reference. Who would dare to do this, anyway?

"I don't know. It's so tough. But you know what's more tough than not deserving love?"

He remained silent, watching her winsome features that painted her face so dull.

She sighed, "It's not deserving to love someone when you are so full of the will to pour it out. So... I decided on adopting a baby. He/She wouldn't care that I have this mark or not. I can give all my love, I can live a life. It's painful to live without any imminent relations."

Her palms covered her face, restricting Yoongi to witness her crying. He did not know how he could help her, he did not know why he wanted to help her. He just couldn't watch her being this broke.

"What are you talking about Sora? You have so many friends. You had more friends than anyone in our class. Everyone was your friend except me-"

"Yeah," she chuckled, sniffling. "Still I am drinking with you."

His heart skipped a beat. Her trusting him enough to drink with him instilled a sense of pride in him.

She poured herself the fourth glass for the night.

"You are drinking too much. Are you sure, you can take this?" He asked, concerned.

"I have a very high tolerance. You can stop if you want to."

"No... I'm fine."

"Yoongi..." She mumbled.


"Would you like to know when you'll die?"

He chuckled softly, "I wouldn't want to know that."

"I would," she pouted. "If someone killed you, would you come back for revenge?"

"I would rather come back to my loved ones."

"What if they forget you?"

"I'll tell them that I still loved them anyhow," he shrugged.

"And what if they said.... 'Who?'" she questioned and his heart dropped at the mere thought of being forgotten like that.

"That's all of my so-called relations you are talking about."


(A/N: The award for the fastest updates goes to- Me myself and I.

Save Me readers be like: mhm author, we just have the gun loaded for you lol 😂)

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