Chapter 3

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Someone shook me, and I wriggled a little in sleep.

"Eomma, a few minutes more," I pleaded, almost begged. I am on a vacation, lemme sleep to the very least!

She continued shaking me making my eyes open reluctantly. As my eyes intercepted a cockroach right in front, I yelled and fell off the bed in trance.

A very squeaky laughing sound pulled me out of stupor. I looked up and who else? Fucking bitch!

"MOON SORA!" I yelled and she laughed even more. "Who the fuck let you in my room?!"

"Goodmorning to you too, kitty that gets scared by a rubber piece," she laughed, exiting the room.

"Arghhh!" I groaned, ruffling my hair. My butt hurts because of falling at the earliest morning. She deserves all hate. All of my hate.

I washed up and walked downstairs where she was still there with my mother on the dining. Both were discussing something.

"Mom, don't let irritating bugs into my room, please."

"How can I forbid you from entering your own room?" She replied and my eyes widened, giving that sneaky bitch another reason to laugh heartily.

I sighed, "What are you doing here?"

"Aunt just asked me to wake you up. I did the required. Well, I am on a home visit to a patient."

"What? Mom, everything alright?" I asked.

"Yes. I just was feeling a mild pain in my chest and since Sora is a cardiologist, I decided to ask her."

"Oh mom, let's go to the hospital instead of trusting this jerkass. I doubt she can even hold a stethoscope straight."

"What are you talking about? She's the best in Daegu.  You should be thankful that she came on such a short notice. Where are your etiquettes Yoongi?" She chided and I frowned, a bit but yeah.

"No need to be thankful. As far as the pain is considered, Yoongi can I just talk to you regarding that?"

"Okay then, I'll bring you guys breakfast-"

"Oh no no..." she interrupted.

"Shut up, little donut. You're not that old to be formal. You are just like Yoongi for me," my mom replied and strolled off to the kitchen.

Just like me? I am your son!

I walked up and sat in front of her, she seemed serious. Honestly, she seemed different and that made me nervous.

"As far as what I perceive, I think it's gastroeosophagal reflux. What we call acid reflux in normal terms."

"Is it something serious?"

She shook her head, "But we can't be sure with normal physical anticipations. I suggest, you get a echocardiogram done as soon as possible. Till then control the fibre in her diet and also foods on low cholesterol. I am not saying, but it is a possibility that she may be having a cardiovascular disease and that can be serious."

"What?" My eyes widened, "But she seemed fine. Will she be okay?"

"Yes. Get that done, also a cholesterol test. I have written that on this paper. You can show the reports anytime to me or you can go to any other doctor," she smiled. "Don't worry. What my expertise says, it's just gas. All this is for reassuring purpose."

My heart was beating nervously, she says it's serious. My mom came all of a sudden with some trays which Sora took out of her hands instantly.

"I'll bring the rest," she said, motioning my mom towards a seat on the dining and then running off to the kitchen.

"She's such a sweet cake. I wish I had a daughter."

"You have me. Why do you want a daughter?"

"You are not a daughter, daughters are great. They are more considerate, less volatile, more empathetic."

"Less volatile?" I scoffed, "I haven't seen any person as volatile as her."

"Anything wrong in being vivacious? Here, your food," she placed a plate infront of me and sat right accross.

"Sora, how's your date?" My mom asked.

"Pretty nice. He's an orthopedic. A year younger than me."

"Oldie," I mocked and she snarled.

"Youre the same age as me, Mr Grumpy Pants."

"Two months older even," my mom added and I rolled my eyes, concentrating on food.

As soon as I took a spoonful of the soup, my tastebuds almost burnt the fuck off! Why was this all spice?

I coughed instantly, feeling the burn on my tongue.

"Hey Yoongi? What happened?" My mom asked.

"Sugar, Milk, water, Gimme something," I gasped.

"What the hell? It's not spicy at all," she mocked while Sora walked up to the fridge, pouring a glass for me.

She handed me the cold liquid and I swear to God, I haven't hated her enough. She handed me Soda dammit! My face was fucking off!

She laughed, taking the bread piece from the plate and running out. "Bye aunty. Take care, Thanks for the meal."

"Fucker," I breathed. 


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